Friday, March 13, 2020

LOOK Caroline's Room Tour

I have wanted Caroline's canopy bed for awhile, but it was too expensive.  I saw it on Facebook Marketplace $75.  

 Caroline can sleep sweetly in her elegant wooden bed. It features:
Four turned posts and a lacy white canopy, popular styles in her day
  • A butter-yellow, wool-blend bedspread is embroidered with a delicate floral pattern 
  • A tufted mattress and soft pillow rest on ropes instead of springs. If the ropes loosened, Caroline would have pulled them to “sleep tight”

When I went to pick it up, the lady said she decided to throw in Carolina's skiff at no cost!  Wow, what a deal!

Papa built this beautiful wooden skiff at the family’s shipyard—Caroline loves to go sailing with him on Lake Ontario. Papa even named the boat “Miss Caroline” after her—and painted it right on the side!

True to her era, it features:
Two seats to fit a pair of dolls, plus a mast with a canvas sail.



  1. This room is beautiful, I miss these older pieces.

  2. Caroline's room is adorable. I love the little nicknacks on the shelves.
