Friday, January 10, 2020

American Girl Joss Kendrick and Marie Grace Comparison

 Both of these AG dolls are unique due to the fact that they have their own face sculpts. Marie Grace Gardener was released from 2011-2014 (along with her BFF Cécile Rey, also an individual face sculpt). She represented a historical doll in the 1850’s, due to her age of approximately ten.

She had long, chestnut colored hair with twin braids that wrapped under her crown and tiny pin curls at her temples. Her eyes are a bright sea blue, deeply set with wide, high cheekbones and full lips covering a slight overbite. Her entire face is heart shaped but somewhat elongated throughout the midpoint. 

Marie Grace’s nose is upturned yet flatter in appearance than Joss Kendrick’s. And it is wider and fuller than Joss’ nose.

Joss Kendrick, Girl of today, has a softer face. Her cheeks are more rounded and her eyes are not as deeply set as Marie Grace.
Joss’s eyes are larger but not as deeply set. I do notice the sculpting close to the outside of the eye on each doll compared to most AG dolls. And Joss’s heart shaped face. 

If comparing the two dolls side-by-side, you can see the distinct difference in their profiles. And in their skin tones; Joss has a peachy, sun kissed glow while Marie Grace has a more ethnic tone to hers, like a medium fair with an olive undertone. Celebrating her Creole roots. 

But they could be distant cousins or Marie Grace could even be a Great Aunt of Joss Kendrick.
What do you think?


  1. I also was thinking that a familial link would be possible with these two!

  2. I am still learning about the different American Girl dolls so I don't have an opinion of their possible relationship. I like the Marie Grace sculpt.

  3. Nice comparison. Both dolls are beautiful. I think Joss has a face like Marisol, too.

  4. Thank you for this review! I needed to see this because I already have a Marie Grace doll in our household...unfortunately not mine to style and claim. But definitely a very close resemblance to 2020 GOTY.

  5. Thanks! Great post.

    It did not occur to me until I saw the some of these photos that Joss looks a bit like Lori Laughlin.
