Monday, November 2, 2015

*Review* Espari Cafe + Video

Barnes and Nobles now has their own line of 18" dolls which is expanding with furniture and new outfits.

OG outfit.

Espari outfit.

Cafe register.


Maryellen arrives at the cafe.

 Ordering her coffee and donut.

Grace sees Ella when she arrive at the cafe.

 Grace and Ella are BFFs and share a cafe moment.

The cafe is very busy today and Dabbie stops in.

Also here is a video which has the sounds for the Cafe machine and selection of items for the cash register.


  1. HI, When is the cafe supposed to become available and what will the price be? I looked on their website but saw just the dolls and clothing.

    1. They are available at Barnes and Noble. I think in store only.

    2. Thanks. I had to specifically type in the name of the item. It is in a store near me and I will pick it up today. :) It didn't just come up when you clicked on Espari dolls.

    3. I just found out by 2 different B&N stores that they were deemed defective and and the manufacturer is remaking the product. They are not sure when they will be available for sale online or in store. I live in Washington state. I am bummed :(

  2. these dolls look a lot like toys are us dolls what do you think?

  3. I saw it under accessories for Espari on the website. Madelon

  4. Diana, what does the sturdiness of this compare to? It looks very nice. Madelon

  5. This is the same 'coffee shop' set that Sears Canada is offering this year under the Newberry Doll brand. It retails here for $59.99 regular.

  6. It's finally available on-line again:
