Friday, March 20, 2015

*Opening* Dresses for Caroline

My Caroline collection is rather small. My mom gifted Caroline to me for Christmas 2012, along with her accessories and holiday dress.

You can see the opening video of her birthday dress and birthday set:

With the BUZZ of Caroline's pending archival, I decided to pick up a few eBay items for Caroline. They were 50% the price =  I got both of these for the price of one from AG.

I was very hesitant, but bought her BF party gown 50% (no shoes). I also bought Caroline's travel dress 50% (no boots). 

The party gown (now backordered) is a true aqua with turquoise ribbon. I had a pair of Sophia's shoes that I put turquoise ribbons on.

The gloves are from her Holiday Gown.

 I hate that it Velcros and SNAGS everything!

The embroidered lace is my favorite part.

This is my least favorite dress, it's too "Cinderella" for me. Still, I'm glad that I did get it because it is her one and only BF dress.

The travel dress didn't include the boots so I paired it with Kirsten's lace up boots.

This is a very nice cotton dress I love the pattern.


I paired it with her meet bonnet since I don't have her travel hat. I recommend this dress, it is made very well with gentle pleating on the bodice.

I may still purchase her winter coat along with the travel hat and spencer to complete this set. I have no plans to buy any furniture pieces.


  1. She is such a beauty! Her purple dress is my favorite!

  2. You paired the shoes and hat perfectly. I want to get her meet hat and purple dress, nightgown is nice too, although I might be able to make it. I am so glad I bought her parlor because I called AG today and they don't have it anymore! You did such a nice job recreating her parlor!!!!

  3. I love Caroline! Thanks for sharing beautiful and detailed photos of her collection. :)

