Saturday, September 14, 2019

*NEW* AG Historical Abridged Books

Well that didn’t take long. My daughters and I saw the new covers a while back and couldn’t believe the mistakes that were made. We didn’t think those mistakes would be acceptable at AG years ago. Maybe you have heard about AG abridging the books. They removed whole chapters from the books. Rebecca’s Hanukkah section was supposedly removed. I’m hearing Christmas was removed from Maryellen's. Just when you think it might start to turn around for the historical collection, it gets worse.  

Chapters 11-15 were removed from Julie's book.
Chapters 10-13 were removed from Maryellen's book.


  1. I wonder if separate holiday books are going to be released.

  2. When I went to the AG Place Houston last month, the books were $1.00 each. I meant to buy some to complete my collection, but forgot. Maybe that is why the books were on sale, to sell them out to make room for the abridged books. What is the website that shows the difference in the books?

  3. Oh and welcome back Maxine and sweet Hope Faith!

  4. TC's comment made me think about American Girl having customers that are outside of the Untied States, countries that may not celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. It is possible that AG thought if they want those customers to buy your product, then they might have to get rid of the Christmas and Hanukkah in the stories. My daughters and I were thinking that Melody and Nanea's books didn't mention Christmas. Melody does have a special dress, similar to the dolls having a special Christmas dress, because her birthday is on New Years.

  5. I'm very displeased with the abridgenents and called to let them know how I felt about it and that I think it's the wrong direction.
