Thursday, July 18, 2019

*REVIEW* AG Bowling Alley

Get ready for a friendly game of bowling at this fully functional doll-sized alley. This set features:
  • A bowling lane that really works—girls can help their dolls bowl a strike! It has a wooden lane, ten motorized bowling pins, and gutters that balls can roll down with adjustable bumpers for practicing. Push a button to start the game, complete with lights, bowling sounds, and score-keeping for up to two players. Pins are knocked back when a ball strikes, and automatically reset at the next turn, so dolls can really bowl a game.
  • A rental counter with a pretend transaction monitor and reversible screen where dolls can check in to the bowling alley
  • A card swiper and faux game card
  • Two tees that glow in the dark for neon bowling
  • Two pearly bowling balls dolls can really hold with removable straps so they can roll
  • Two pairs of bowling shoes with glittery accents, laces, and flat soles
  • A snack menu for hungry bowlers
  • A bottle of sparkling juice and bottle of lemonade
  • Two jumbo pretzels, two dip cups of nacho cheese, two boxes of popcorn, two boxes of candy, and two plates for snacking in between frames

It retails for $150. It's a great interactive set for those that like to bowl.

It comes in two pieces that just fit together, Then just pop on the bumpers. This is after it's all been assembled.

It requires four AA batteries. Make sure you have plenty on hand. Turn it on so the pins will reset and it takes score for two players.

Rental counter with shoes and snacks.

I paired the bowling shirts with the new mix and match red pants.

The shirts glow in the dark! Add the straps so the dolls can hold the ball.

Skylar and York getting ready to bowl! 


  1. This set is cool, i wish AG would do a photo with a "bowling alley" set where they take like 10 of these playsets and line them up to make a whole bowling place. At first I hated that the shoes were plastic but then I realized that bowling shoes in real life are kind of leathery and they aren't like normal shoes, so it makes perfect sense that the shoes in this set are plastic.

    1. But that's just it bowling shoes are leather not plastic. So they shouldn't be here either. Oh, well.

  2. Another friend I know has it and says it's wonderful for the price!

    Oh, AGCollector101, I forgot, I love your idea of a photo shoot with a full lanes!
