Thursday, July 18, 2019

*NEWS* Toys ‘R’ Us Announces First New Stores


Toys ‘R’ Us is coming back from the dead, but you might not recognize it. The new stores won’t have aisles and aisles of toys stacked high. They will be smaller, with toys on display for kids to play with and spaces for toy demonstrations and events. Brand partners will have dedicated spaces within the store.

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  1. This looks interesting and a little frightening (I don't know why). It seems like the toy store of the future. Hmmm, I wonder what it will be like to go inside.

  2. Actually sounds a lot like the LEGO store. They focus on the customer experience and have lots of play opportunities. As a fan I think it is fun. Germaphobes might not be so thrilled. Also sounds a bit like costco with the product demos. Samples would be fun!
