Saturday, October 14, 2017

*NEWS* Newberry Dolls Clearanced - Sears Canada

Some news from here in Canada — Sears Canada has been slowly closing its doors for the past few months, laying off employees, shutting down stores, restructuring their business plans to avoid bankruptcy. And just today, it received permission from the courts to liquidate all assets, starting October 19. 
This means that there won’t be any new Newberry dolls for this Christmas season—but the current ones should be going on sale very soon as they try to clear out the remaining stock.

We’re a little disappointed that we won’t be able to get any of our beloved Newberry accessories/dolls this Christmas—but who knows, I might be able to pick up some of the things we’re missing at a good price!


  1. That's sad! I wonder how that will affect US Sears Newberry stock. It's been slowly trickling this way for a couple years.

  2. No idea. But, when I did a search for new Newberry dolls online, a US Sears result came up, and it looked like there are a few new things available for the US Christmas line--dolls with new outfits, a bakery shop (which is pretty much the same as the pizza/cafe, just different colours and accessories), etc.
