Saturday, March 14, 2015

*In Store Report* GOTY Grace, MyAG and BT - AGPH

Linda (and Julie) bring us this report from Houston.

Part Two - BeForever to follow.


  1. Is the art set new for MAG dolls? I dont remember it from the catalog.

  2. The personal shoppers at AGP Houston are the best!

  3. I believe this is a scene from the Doll Art Studio Book, priced $24.99.

  4. I agree, My personal shopper was wonderful!

  5. wow they must really be gearing up to switch over to "Truly Me" soon... did anyone else notice all of the girl sizes of the True Spirit outfit that are sold out online? I also think its weird that they didn't further reduce some of the items that they are trying to clear out in the store to the same price that they are online- the camp outfit went down to $16 online but according to the sign in the picture it is till $19 in the store. Still a better deal though to not have to pay for shipping!

  6. Great photos! Thank you for sharing your trip experience.
