Sunday, March 22, 2020

Molly Birthday Outfit Review

Molly's Birthday is April 22! Here is a fuller body PC Molly doll wearing a Mattel American Girl labeled birthday outfit. Bought the outfit in 2013 during Molly archival days at the AG store.

Still a very pretty outfit. Some of the white dresses tend to brown over time. 

Molly has a birthday crown which does need to be handled with gentle hands. It has the consistency of poster board or a greeting card.  But it looks authentic to a crown a little girl would have worn at a simple birthday party thrown at her home in the 1940s.  

Even though the pinafore dress is white, I love the colorful rick rack on the ruffled sleeves and pockets. These are the same sunny colors you would find in a classic crayon box of primary colors.

Comes with socks that are unique to her outfit. Has a red trim and look fancy enough for a doll of the 1940s.

In this case, my PC Molly is missing her glasses, but my 2013 Mattel Molly is sporting hers with this outfit. 

So depending on what Molly you have, glasses or not, your doll can be proud to wear her birthday outfit.


  1. I love this outfit! One day I hope to get a second one for Emily to make it cannon to the story in the book where they both have a dress for the birthday tea party.

  2. Both Mollys are adorable and the outfit is so cute.
