Wednesday, January 29, 2020

AG Look for Less - Bedroom

This is the bedroom that I created for my Marie Grace American Girl doll, but could also be used for modern dolls.  

The bed is an Our Generation bed that I bought for $7.00 at a thrift store.  The rug is a place mat that was also purchased at a thrift store for .49 cents.  The night stand is American Girl Marie Grace's Vanity stand, pitcher and bowl, towel and faux bottles of rose water and lavender.  

The oil lamp is one that I've had for a long time and can't remember where I got it.  The dog in the basket is a thrift find.  The walls are made by a company called Funco that I cut to make different rooms.  The walls could be made by covering foam board with scrapbook paper.  The basket is a thrift find and the flowers are just odds and ends of flowers that I have used in other crafts.