Friday, August 2, 2019

AG Raised Neck Stamp - Joesfina Montoya

The AG Raised neck stamp

I have only seen this a few times, on dolls for sale or auction. Searching for information about it online, I can only find one person mentioning that their doll has the raised neck stamp, in the comment section of a doll blog post on how to tell if a doll is an AG doll.

The Josefina I bought came with this box, I don’t know if this is the box she originally came in. Was this a limited production, since the Pleasant Co and other AG neck stamps are recessed?
Anyone with more info please comment below.


  1. Very interesting - never saw a raised neck stamp before.

  2. I've never heard of anything like this. It seems weird, you'd think that having a raised neck stamp would require creating a new mold? I was tempted to say she might be counterfit but that's an AG pwp dress and what looks like a legit body tag, so maybe just at some point back in the day the neckstamp was raised? I only have a beforever josefina and I don't have many old dolls so I'm just as stumped as you, but it's interesting.

    1. I thought maybe she was a transition doll, but the box is an old one. A mystery I hope we can solve.

    2. I checked my DD's dolls from 1989, 1990, 1991 all have the recessed impression, as does a customized PC doll I purchased, but we have no earlier dolls to compare.

    3. The Josephina didn't come with AG clothes. I had the AG pwp dress, and dressed her in it for the picture.

  3. Okay this story came from an AG employee. At one point the Josefina mold broke and AG had to replace it...duplicate it. I am not sure but my theory is maybe she was part of that where when they tried to piece it back together the stamp was raised and therefore they were forced to replace it. The employee pointed out this being the reason for Josefina looking slightly different from those of the past. Your Josefina looks to have the older face mold...fuller face, relaxed eyebrows etc. I don't have reason to believe that the employee was being dishonest especially about the mold breaking at one point and then being replaced. This doll could have been a result of them trying to recover what they had before replacing it with new one if story is true.

  4. I had originally saw this on a Nellie doll, for sale on eBay. I searched and could only find one mention on another blog, whose post was about telling if it is an authentic AG doll, when buying second hand. One of the comments was that their Nellie had raised stamp. I am trying to acquire the 5 Pleasant Company dolls and found this Josephina. I just recently bought the Nellie that I saw with the raised neck stamp. I don't think she comes with a box, but when she arrives I will take pictures.
