Wednesday, July 24, 2019

*On Location* MCM Benefit Sale

Shelly took photos of the vendor booths outside the MCM Sale.


  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures. We enjoy seeing the pictures and videos from people that have gone and from the Benefits sale organizers. We have never been to a benefit sale, but my daughters have displayed interest. Since we have relatives in WI, it could be a combined visit family and go to the sale. We may be the first customers to walk out not buying much. My daughters aren't interested in too many of the TM collection. They already have a TM that looks like them, and they are currently working on downsizing to just display some of the dolls we currently have. We are trying to get retired historical and maybe GOTY dolls and certain retired historical accessories, some of the 'cool' things. But it would be nice a experience. I was surprised to see the Costco doll sets, especially Molly. In my Costco store, they sold out of both Maryellen and Molly. I bought the last Molly week before Christmas. Costco even had the Wellie Wishers online which according to their website sold out. They even had the Bitty Babies online for the longest time, not sure if they sold out of them, so I'm not surprised that those sets were at the benefit sale. Maybe AG produced more than what Costco bought, so I wonder if they will have dolls in Costco this year.

  2. I like the dresses that look like they could be for Kirsten. So little is on the market for the retired American Girl Kirsten doll and her accessories that one has to find someone who can sew beautiful dresses like the ones you found there. Thanks this gives me hope if AG negates bringing Kirsten back.

  3. I really liked the costumes. The cute orange dress with the black cats was adorable!
    Thank you for sharing. Oh, the chaise lounge looked interesting.
