Sunday, October 15, 2017

*In Store Report* AG Deals - Costco

No Kit Doll Sets in Scottsdale, Arizona yet.


  1. So much to see! About how much is the sleepover set? Madelon

  2. I have a Sam's Card, I don't want. Both Sam's and Costco. How I wish the Mini's where at Sam's.

  3. Interesting how some stores get items and others don't, or items get to stores sooner than others. Our store doesn't have the pets. But we do have Kit and the school desk set. When I see the AG items, I sometimes forget to pick up items, so I had to go back. I looked at the Beforever book sets and realized our store doesn't have Kaya, Josefina, Addy, Melody and Felicity. Thanks for sharing.
