Sunday, March 5, 2017

*LOOK* New AG Catalog - Tenney Grant

NEW Tenney Grant featured catalog! I LOOVVEE her!

Clearly Tenney was meant to be the GOTY, just look at how she is displayed - like a GOTY - in the catalog as opposed to Gabriela the doll marketed (poorly) as GOTY.



  1. I am disappointed that Felicity did not come out in all the stores. I won't buy a doll I can't see in person. I think it's odd that she does not have underwear. She should be in the Virginia store since her story takes place in Virginia. What are your thoughts.

    1. I agree on everything you stated. I could not beleive that she does not come with all the undergarments. I wish she was her also, so so we could hand select her.

  2. There are so many new release items that I want. Can't believe Wellie Wishers are coming to Target. Wish it weren't so. They haven't made it to mine yet. Madelon

    1. Very sad to hear that too. But, I do like getting the Mini's there.

  3. I can´t love Tenney or Logan. The way their release was handled takes away too much of any enthusiasm that I might have felt for what are - taken on their own - actually two cute dolls with nice pieces in their collection. The fact that their extensive collection completely overshadows the first DOC GOTY who was given a much smaller collection with plainer pieces; Kaya´s face mold that was developped for her in consultation with a Native American board of advisors being used for a white boy; and the two being released in Black History Month (to add insult to injury) just ruins those two characters for me. :(

  4. I haven't read Tenney's story but what frustrates me is that it seems like there is absolutely no reason Tenney couldn't have been African-American. Why did they have to half-ass Gabriela when they could have just changed Tenney's race? Released the original Tenney doll as a JLY or next year's GOTY and there wouldn't be this cluster of stupid.
