Monday, November 21, 2016

*REVIEW* WW Winter Wish Outfit

We got Kendall and Ashlyn these Winter Wish Outfits. We love every single detail. There is no room for improvement, we rate them 100 percent perfection for $28.00 each. We are in trouble with Our Emerson and Willa, they are both waiting for theirs to arrive someday. 

 We also got The Winter Woods Stage Accessories Set $20.00. Which can be used as a free standing piece and a must have, that can go from night to day by flipping over either side. I think my passion for these dresses comes from the fact that they are perfect for Cinderella or Frozen Scenes and Parties.

 Also they are Perfect for Christmas and New Year Scenes. I really tried not to like or care about the WellieWishers Launch, but they got my heart despite all my efforts to sustain. I am trying to stay with only four of them and leave Camille in the Store. 

Addy is stunning in the new Holiday ballgown.



  1. Wow! Addy looks so pretty in the new dress. Her hair also looks amazing!Love how Kendall looks in her Wellie Wishers holiday dress. Great pictures.

  2. They all look sooooo cute! I bet that lovely blue dress would be nice for Hanukkah, too! I hear you about the Wellie Wishers -- I tried not to like them, too, but resistance was futile...

    --Michele Grace

    1. Yes. We will help Our 6 year old Daughter honor Hanukkah too. She learned about it last year. I got to get her Rebecca's Silver Menorah out. She love all positive things.

    2. I too did not like the WW dolls at first, but as soon as we got Kendall all that changed. She is adorable and her size just makes her look that much cuter. I have always been a fan of Addy so I am a little biased about how cute of a doll she is. Next on my list is Emerson to purchase. She is such a beautiful doll and I just love that her eyes are so detailed and the color they chose for her skin coloring is unique too. It's hard to resist buying them all. They did a great job on the line and offer a lot in diversity.

    3. I agree with you sooo much. Kendall is so extremely adorable and loveable. I feel blessed that Hope Faith is 6 and getting to enjoy fully the WellieWishers.

  3. Everybody looks so beautiful and festive! Madelon

    1. Thank you. Praying you are having a incredible week.
