Friday, October 14, 2016

*NEWS* Another Possible Outfit for Felicity - Ebay Listing

Madelon has found yet another possible BF outfit for Felicity!

No tags, could be (hopefully) a prototype.
What are your thoughts on this one?


  1. I really like it. The colors are pretty--it's not pink! And I like the ruffles on the neckline and sleeves. We don't have any Felicity items so we are really excited for her to come back.

  2. I hope that this is something that American Girl makes for Felicity! It is beautiful. Madelon

  3. Oh this will be perfect for Elizabeth due to her blue eyes. I am so excited for the new items. Hope she has a table and chairs set in her collection.

  4. I LOVE the shoes and the dress is nice as well. AG will be doing a great job with Felicity if all of her items are as good as this

  5. I love the outfit. The fabric is gorgeous. Not so sure that I like the blue and yellow with reddish hair and green eyes. That would look really cute on Elizabeth.

    Do you have any thoughts on retirement? Do they retire Samantha or someone else? Right now they haven't announced any retirements. Beside Addy being in a smaller case, Rebecca's collection is getting thinned out. I love Rebecca, and have been buying the outfits and accessories they still have, that I want. However, they took Samantha's ice cream parlor and gazebo out of the catalog, store and online, and they have some of her items on the sale page. Wonder if they would ever retire Kaya. All speculation, we will never know what AG decides and most likely has already been decided. I also wonder if AG ever has any conversations about bringing back the BF friends.

    1. Rumors are saying Addy is the next to go her collection has gotten very small.

  6. My favorite of Felicity's original outfits was her blue Christmas dress so I sincerely hope this is one they will give to the BF Felicity. I lover her in blue!

  7. So excited. Our favorite American Girl Doll Movie. We love Felicia.

    1. Mine too! Great for holiday season and they filmed in Williamsburg.

  8. Does it have an American Girl tag inside?

  9. I'm not too impressed with the colors and print. The style is OK, it looks like the other 18th century dresses they released that look like 2 pieces but are all in one piece (like Elizabeth's meet dress or summer outfit). I'm a huge fan of Felicity and of the 18th century, but the first 2 leaked outfits don't appeal that much to me (my wallet might be safe, then!). Maybe on a doll I'll like it more...

    1. The first leaked outfit is actually her corset, undies, and bumroll

  10. I think it's ugly but l'm excited for felicity!

  11. It´s okay taken by itself, but unless BF Felicity´s coloring is significantly modified, the strong blue and yellow might end up looking like a Halloween costume when combined with her bright red hair and almost neon green eyes. It varies from doll to doll, of course, depending on the time and materials used in production, and on the photography, but I find that Felicitys tend to not look good in blue (her Christmas gown clashes with her eyes as well).

  12. Love it! Can't wait! I just hope they make her new meet dress available separately for those of us who already have Felicity.

    1. I agree about the meet dress. But will it look more like the rosebud meet outfit or the white stripe lavender?
