Sunday, April 3, 2016

*Reader Photos* Consignment Store Find - Felicity

I stopped at my local consignment store today and GUESS WHAT I FOUND! 

They had Felicity right there at the front counter for only $20.00! Of course I bought her right away. She is in great condition. 

Her hair smelled a bit like hairspray at first, but I tried to rinse it. There is a name written on her foot; "Fransesca". Don't know if the original owner named her that or what.
I will not be looking for an Elizabeth doll. As I have stated before, my collection is based only on the PC books and their illustrations. The original Elizabeth was described as dark haired and small, and she was often shown in a yellow dress. 
So my Lydia Peyton doll will be an Elizabeth for this Felicity, and I can sell the OG doll who was standing in for her. (She appears in my Vintage Dress post.)

Ps. She did not come with the Birthday Outfit. I made it.