
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sissy & Sam - Rooms Revealed

I added another level to the south wall. This gave both Sissy and Sam side by side bedrooms on the ground floor.

Sissy has her own closet which helps keep her things in one place and a mirror for primping.

Her pull out chair and bed are My Life. I made the cork board and painted a basic LED lamp from Dollar Tree.

Next door is Sam's small bedroom.

I found the dinosaur decals at the Dollar Tree along with his waste basket.

I had to make a desk for him to set all of his stuff on. The room is small and I hope to find a chair or make him one. If I'm lucky enough to find a small chest of drawers or a vertical shelf, there's room to the right to put his accessories and smaller items in.

I wanted the doll room to be historical only, but felt that all my dolls are a family and to exclude modern dolls wasn't right.

More photos/tour : VIDEO


  1. Rhonda, I love how you set up their bedrooms. You can see their little personalities from the way you decorated their rooms.

    1. Thank you. It is nice to have a place for them since I had them standing on top of the book case :-( I felt they deserved more.

  2. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    Well, Saige has her "casa", so the twins can have their rooms, too. Very nice. I bet Sissy would like a Barbie poster (printout) on her corkboard. And Danny and Jason wanna know, does Sam like action figures? And is Derek's room coming soon? Good job, Rhonda.

    1. Derek's room is coming up soon. And he is the one who likes action figures!

  3. I love both of these rooms, especially Sam's. It's hard to find good inspiration for boy rooms. I didn't have room to create a permanent space for my son's doll, which he only plays with occasionally, so I made him a portable room from a presentation board. You can see it on my blog at

    1. *From Julie's doll mom:*

      I'm gonna do something like that w/ Danny's room. I even bought a blue project display board months ago, but I've been busy w/ the girls doll camp this summer, that I haven't had time to get to it. Since Danny is a 70s boy, he'll have groovy stuff including a Six Million Dollar Man bedding set and action figures!

  4. Very cute! They look very happy in their own rooms. :)

  5. I like it!
    Also, totally unrelated to this post...
    I was just looking around on the Ag website and saw that the Bouquet bed & bedding has FREE SHIPPING!!! It must not be selling well, and I can totally see why. I really want it, hope that free shipping stays till may!!!
