
Sunday, September 7, 2014

*REVIEW* BEFOREVER Rebecca Meet Outfit + Tea Party

 Maria's Pre-Mattel Samantha and Mattel Rebecca are having a gorgeous tea. Let's peek in....

Samantha was purchased in 1998 for my oldest daughter.  She was not into the historical aspects of the doll at all, so all we have is her original meet outfit, accessories and her nightgown.  Most of the time my daughter dresses her in modern clothing.

I purchased Rebecca back in April for myself. She is wearing her new BEFOREVER meet outfit that I bought at the launch last week.

The tea set is from Our Generation which I purchased at Target.  Very detailed and at $16.99 it is a great alternative to the expensive AG sets!

I’m not sure where the table and chairs are from.  I bought them years ago on eBay.

Rebecca’s new meet outfit and accessories are really great quality and I love them!  You need to push the hat down on her head to make it look right.  I don’t think they did this correctly to all the dolls displayed in the store.  The meet outfit did not come with her barrette.  She is wearing the barrette from her original meet outfit.  Apparently none of the new meet outfits come with the hair bows and barrettes that the doll comes with.   I heard this has upset many people and they have called AG to complain.

I really love my Rebecca doll!  She is my first AG that did not originally belong to one of my daughters.  I am not Jewish, but I relate to her immigrant store line because my Mom came to the US from Italy when she was 18 in the late 1950’s.  Many of the things in Rebecca’s books discuss the food and holiday celebrations that her family took part in that were different than some of the other children and people she grew up with.  I kind of felt the same when my Mom’s Italian food and traditions were different from that of my friends.

I also think Rebecca looks great in photos! The Josefina face mold is my favorite!  I was nervous at first about her curly hair, but I learned how to manage it with the AG hair pick. I also included a photo of Rebecca with her kittens.


  1. Thanks so much Rhonda for putting my photos up on your blog! I'd been planning to have a tea party with Rebecca and Samantha for quite a while, but I knew once Rebecca got her new meet outfit that it was finally the time to do it! I had a great time setting everything up for them!

  2. Rebecca is stunning. I love her new meet! What a sweet tea party she is having with Samantha!

  3. These pictures are adorable. My favorite is the last one with her little kitties. Rebecca has been on my wish list for a while now. Now that I have seen her in her new meet outfit I really want her. My daughter and I usually have different favorites when it comes to the AG dolls. We both always liked Rebecca.

    1. Thanks so much Mommy and Me Dolls! You will love Rebecca if you get her! She is a wonderful doll and I just keep enjoying her more and more every day. She is a fabulous model for clothing, both historical and modern. I do recommend buying the AG Hair Pick for her. When I first got her, I only had the brush. It's much easier to maintain her individual curls with the hair pick. It really is not hard to do and after awhile the hair just tends to stay in the curls and only needs light touching up every once and awhile.

  4. These are adorable photos. Rebecca's new meet outfit is top notch. I have to say, though, that I'm very surprised (and not happy) with the fact that purchase of the new meet outfits doesn't include the barrette or bow. That's a cheapskate move. They've hiked the prices but they can't include a barrette?! Normally I defend AG's prices because the quality of things is so good, but that's not cool at all.

  5. Yes, Laurie, totally agree! That was a really cheap move on AG's part. Honestly, how much does the barrette or ribbon cost to make? It was ridiculous that they were not included. I was lucky with Rebecca's outfit because I had the barrette from the original meet outfit which is the same, but I would have loved a spare. It isn't exactly sturdiest thing they ever made and I've heard they are prone to breakage. I would have been SUPER mad if I bought Kit's outfit and didn't get the barrette! No possible way to recreate that since it is a brand new item! I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and guess this was an oversight on someone's part. However, they should find an easy way to either send the missing accessory to those who bought the outfits or offer it for sale at a VERY minimal cost.

    1. Kittygirl1, I have Kit's new meet outfit on the way, and if it shows up without a barrette, I am going to call AG and ask for one. I have spent more than a few dollars there in the last year … what's a little barrette? I do love that new dress! The old Kit meet outfit I was never really crazy about. I mean, it's very well made, and the shoes are cute, but I love the bright new colors.

    2. You go Laurie! Make sure they give you that barrette! It makes no sense to not include it with the meet outfit! Let us know how it goes! Kit's new outfit is definitely adorable! I love it! The bright colors of all the meet outfits are very striking when seen in person! They really liven up the historical section of the store! You will be very happy with Kit's new meet outfit! ~ Maria

  6. Great tea party, Kittygirl11, thank you very much for sharing them. Both Samantha and Rebecca look adorable. I loved your connection to Rebecca too. Also agree about the barrette.

    I'd love to hear how you use the sparkly pick. I have Lanie and have yet to learn how to use the pick properly with her hair. Have also misplaced the pick (I need a better place to store it.)

    1. Thanks so much Melody! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and my connection to Rebecca!

      It took a while for me to get the hang of the pick, but the pick instructional video at this link on the AG site definitely helps. I have not had to use the water, but if there are a lot of tangles in your doll's hair, it may help. I think of the pick as small comb and I only work on a small section of hair at a time. You definitely need to keep the curls in sections (bigger sections or smaller sections depending on your preference). Gently use the pick to comb out each section of hair and finger curl it as you do this. Play with the direction of the finger curl and twirl in the direction that makes the curl lay the neatest on her head. Slowly work section by section and her hair will eventually have a neat set of curls. I take out the pick to touch up any sections that might get messed up during play. I agree that it is hard to keep track of the pick because of it's size. So I make sure I always put it back in the same spot when I am done so I don't lose it. Hope this helps with your Lanie's hair! ~ Maria

  7. Beautiful tea party for two lovely girlies! I love this blog. :)

    The website states that BeForever Rebecca comes with her golden barrette. I'm going to call and ask what's going on. I just looked at the website and saw the photo, it also shows it on the catalog, and states it in the description.

    1. Hi VS! Glad you liked the tea party! Yes, the website originally stated that it comes with the barrette, but I just checked now and I think they updated it recently to remove the barrette from the list of items that are included. I can confirm that the barrette wasn't listed on the outfit box, but the other items were listed. I bought my outfit in the store on launch day and I didn't even realize that the barrette wasn't listed on the box until I got home and opened the outfit. Let me know what they tell you when you call. I'm curious to hear their response!

  8. Hi Kitty girl. I asked my PS about this yesterday and the outfit alone doesn't come with the barrette. I didn't peek in to any of the meet outfit boxes (on debut day) but she confirmed that BeForever Rebecca comes with it still.
