Wednesday, December 24, 2014

GOTY 2015 - Grace's Travel Luggage Set

Per book one of Grace's series, she travel to Paris. It's rumored her red rolling luggage with aqua details "Travel Set" is $44. Get started making your own extra pieces because every doll needs more than one suitcase!! Here are three GREAT resources. Have fun!


Don't forget to make a passport!


 Wooden boxes with handles from Hobby Lobby.


  1. Oh rhonda did you get the same email? I got sent photos of the collection
    Im not even sharing the photos with my friends !

    I love the craft idea and im probably sticking to yours rather than AG's cause its a bit pricy for my wallet currently :/ saving for grace and her clothing tho!

    Merry christmas Rhonda


    1. I have gotten 37 emails, countless comments with links and that was before lunch yesterday. They continue to come in and it's a waste of time because I stated before no unauthorized, unreleased copyrighted AG images. Thanks Joey.

  2. I find it sad that people feel the need to hound you about this. I'm glad to see you are standing your ground, it's YOUR blog, not theirs. I don't understand why anyone thinks that they can do this, but I've certainly seen my share of juvenile behavior lately on the internet. And not from kids.

    Thank you for the ideas, I think these would be fun to make for all of my dolls! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you and Merry Christmas .

      Yes, a video on YouTube already has been shut down, another blog was asked to cease posting images. What others fail to realize is they risk being shut down with suspended accounts via their internet provider if they don't adhere to copyright laws. Mattel takes this very serious.

  3. Well, I think I want that set so much I'm willing to pay $44 for this set! Even though that's like ridiculous.

    About posting images and stuff, my thought is it's not going to get any better. I hate to be a downer, but people can't be stopped. The leaks are out and even though Mattel is going after everyone people just aren't going to stop. Besides, at least they're (the images) out right now, because it makes sense. If they were out in like October I would think something fishy was going on.

    1. No, I'm sure people can't be stopped, but I don't want to hear them complaining either when Mattel shuts them down, or worse yet, sues them-and they could. And it's still no excuse to hound another blogger about it either, Rhonda runs a great blog here, she puts A LOT of work in it by posting multiple times per day on many days, and I think it's incredibly rude of those who felt it necessary to pester her. Once again, it is her blog and it's up to her to choose what content she feels comfortable with putting on here. And I commend her for having the guts to stand up for what she believes in. I also don't think some people realize this, but there are a number of people who work for AG who follow these blogs very closely. Some anonymously, some not.

      Here's my question to those who see no problem with it--how would you feel if someone came to your blog and took your content, photos, etc without asking permission or giving you credit? Or worse yet, then took credit for it as their own? Yes, it happens all the time, but it's not right. I think of an incident a few years ago where a couple had posted a family photo somewhere to share with friends. You can imagine their surprise when their simple family photo showed up on a billboard!! Someone had "taken" their image and decided to use it without permission. I think they got a nice settlement out of it before it was over with. Just because a photo is on the internet DOES NOT make it public domain.

  4. Well said Flo. And also, just because everyone else is doing it, it doesn't make it right.

  5. I agree! I love seeing AG things online, but not at all costs. Its not worth it, I dont mind waiting. I respect Rhonda too much to be apart of anything that would harm her blog. Everyone should just be cool :)

  6. I'm with you all! I've seen a few of the mini doll, but really don't care to see Grace and her collection until January 1. Thank you, Rhonda for standing firm. :)
