
Friday, May 8, 2015

*Review* Amelia's Inheritance (Book)

Amelia Elliot was half way down the stairs to the school dining hall when her life changed forever. 

Before the gong sounded for tea she was an ordinary schoolgirl looking forward to her thirteenth birthday and worrying about her Latin exam. After the gong, she was an orphan sent hurtling into a shadowy world of subterfuge, treachery and unlikely friendship.
In a fight to reclaim the mysterious family chest left to her by her Tudor ancestor Matilda, she begins a thrilling journey which will lead her from glittering ballrooms to the slums of the Rookeries, from society séances to the lime-lit stages of the London music hall.

 Miss Lancer, sensible sober Miss Lancer, clasped her hand and gave her a parcel of books.

“You have a fine brain, Amelia. Don’t forget that. We are all alone really, you know. But one can make a good life using one’s education. Exercise that brain. With a book you are never lonely. With education you have a solid sense of self-worth.”

The second novel in the A Girl for All Time® series, Amelia's Inheritance is 140-pages and tells the story of 13-year old orphan Amelia Elliot in Victorian London.


 Review: Amelia is at school when she is given news that her father is missing and presumed dead. She is soon sent to live with her father's brother, Uncle Enoch and his wife Cora. They are an odd pair. Her uncle is intimidating and Cora suffers from a nervous condition having suffered a horrible loss.

When a terrible family squabble breaks out, Amelia escapes with the young parlor maid, Effie and the two quickly become friends. Together they find themselves on a journey through impoverished London and into the dizzying lights of London Music hall. Sadly Amelia had to leave her trunk behind during the escape and is eager to reclaim it. Her angry uncle has stolen it and intends to sell all its contents. It's a race against time to reclaim her birthright as owner of the Marchmont Family trunk.

The book is a fast read and definitely for ages 10+, there are a few typos and the book weaves back and forth between past and present tense, but the vivid visual descriptions are a treat for those who love Victoriana. I experienced many emotions while reading: anger, sadness, frustration and joy. I enjoyed getting to know not only this strong, brave girl Amelia Elliot, but also of the era and the Victorian happenings in 1880s London. There is a glossary in the back to help educate young readers on places in London, both objects and practices of the era.

1 comment:

  1. I just read this book earlier in the week and really enjoyed it. I read this one and Matilda's book to help me decide whic doll I wanted to get first (I love them all!). All I can say is poor Amelia! What an adventure she went on in her book.
