
Friday, May 8, 2015

A Girl for All Time Books - Where to Buy (Links)

I have gotten several questions about where to buy these amazing thrilling novels by Author Sandra Goldbacher. They are available at A Girl for All Time.

*You can read an excerpt of Matilda's Secret HERE.*

Matilda's Secret can also be purchased:

Matilda's Keepsakes and Secret (Activity Book):

*You can read an excerpt of Amelia's Inheritance HERE.*

Amelia's Inheritance novel:

Clementine's Winter is set to release this month.

Lydia in the New World novel release 2016 date TBA.


  1. Out of the 4 dolls, Lydia is my favorite. I look forward to her book next year!

  2. Thank you for posting these links! I will definitely buy Matilda's books, as well as the others. I wish they timed the doll's release with the book releases so that I could buy both at once.

