
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

*NEWS* Ivy AGP Hawaii Exclusive

Ivy Ling has become an AGP Hawaii exclusive $115. They will not ship and do not have a personal shopper. All of the current stock is what is available, no new shipments. 


  1. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!
    I wanna go to Hawaii now.......

  2. Kind of like Felicity was a DC exclusive when the store first opened. Its a bummer she's a Hawaii exclusive though. The one doll I need! :( I wish she was a DC exclusive, because then I could get one of my friends to pick her up for me! lol

  3. they should have had Kanani LOL


    1. I wouldn't be surprised if they had just faked that Ivy sold out. They did it for bunch of Saige and Isabelle's stuff. Honestly, if Ivy is a Hawaii exclusive, I wouldn't be surprised if Isabelle or Marie-Grace become a store exclusive sometime soon.
      I know that Kanani sold out, because none of her things have appeared and they would have a long time ago. I wish they made Kanani again, though! She is so pretty!

    2. This makes me really upset with American Girl, because I tried to buy Ivy, but she sold out right when I had the money saved up for her. If they hadn't "faked" her sell out, I would have Ivy sitting in Julie's room right now. :(

    3. I'm not sure they faked her sell-out. They may have just shipped all the stock when the Hawaii store opened as a priority. Once she is gone - there are no new shipments.

  4. I would travel to Hawaii for Kanani, not so much Ivy...sorry Ivy fans. That is pretty cool though that for anyone who did not get Ivy, now has chance. Definitely a plus...Hawaii and a retired collectors doll to bring back home, can I say dream vacation.

  5. I wish Kanani was the exclusive, though I do love Ivy. I wish I could go to Hawaii to get her.

  6. Gives me another reason to want to go to Hawaii.

  7. Wow. What news.. And Kanani... Drool. Ebay is crazy right now! I'm wondering if she'll sink in price once the girls that "will die if they don't get her" have grown up & out of her? Here's to hoping..

  8. Glad to see another opportunity for those who want Ivy to get her. She's one of my favorites, a real cutie.

  9. It's interesting that Ivy is the Hawaii exclusive. I too thought Kanani right away. Question? Do all the AG stores have the Girl of the Year Timeline displaying each year's doll? If yes, then Kanani is not totally gone. There are many in reserve to create that specific display.

    I saw a Kanani on Craigslist for $250. Almost ran to get her until I saw the listing was over a month old. She's the one I do regret not getting, but I had just gotten Lanie...

  10. Honestly, I do not understand all the frenzy about Kanani! Sorry, all Kanani lovers and friends! A Hawaiian with light brown hair and hazel eyes! IMHO Jess face mold looks very bad with this combination. Jess herself looks much better. The only exciting thing about Kanani for me is her long hair and Hawaiian theme. I would prefer Marisol over her anytime!
