
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

AG February Spotlight - BEFOREVER Addy

Kit was January's spotlight doll. Currently there are EIGHT BF dolls...this is interesting. Spotlighting one BF doll per month would take us directly to September when typically a new historical doll debuts. I have gotten a lot of questions on whether the 1950s doll is debuting this year. It is unclear. I also heard RUMORS that a doll may come out of the AG archives 2015. I have no definite news, but there is a NEW doll rumored to debut this year. LADL is watching this rumor closely and will post any news updates as they come in.


  1. Very exciting! I will start saving early in hopes that the doll to release is Felicity. I always come to LADL for the latest updates on the AG community-- keep up the great work! :)


  2. Molly was just retired, so if there is a doll coming out of the archives its probably not her. IF the rumor is true, fingers crossed for Felicity as well. After all, The American Revolution was the beginning of America!

  3. I think it could be Kirsten. She retired in 2010, a year after Sam. It also says on American Girl Wiki that MAG #32 ( who looks like Kirsten) retired in 2014. I also see the potential for Felicity to come back. IMHO, AG is slowly retiring Caroline. Her parlor is almost 50% off, her table and chairs are sold out. Caroline didn't get new meet outfit with Beforever revamp. Even though she is pretty, her hair is a big challenge for majority of girls to maintain. So if they retire Caroline, it is possible for Felicity to come back. She was always very popular, and Revolution is a greater history milestone than the war of 1812.

    1. That's sad, because I actually want Caroline. I think a small part of it could be that adults just give a 4&5 year old these high maintenance dolls. But it's also that Caroline's hair can be challenging for anyone. That's why Kit's a nice "staple" they have in the BF line. (not saying that she's better of course :)

    2. I don't think they're retiring Caroline, I think they're just changing her line. I think they probably didn't change her meet dress because she's too new, but she seems to be very popular. I predict that her Beforever changes will be with the big ticket items and some clothing, which is why they are liquidating her parlor and table are chairs, and her birthday dress. Her hair is an issue for younger girls, but it is beautiful and it draws people towards her. I think she's here to stay, at least for a while.

  4. My granddaughter and I have wanted Felicity for a long time, so I hope it's her! We have a PC Kirsten, She is probably my favorite, if they bring back Kirsten, maybe we could get some new items for her as all we have is her meet outfit, minus one sock and shoe lace. I do hope they reveal a 1950's doll that has hair that could be put in a pony tail. I was hoping my Julie's hair could be put in a pony tail, but it doesn't seem to work.

  5. Honestly I don't know what to think. I am going with the 1950's doll will be released, because the other doll was the AA historical and AG said she would come out in 2016.I just don't want another doll to be retired. Or if another doll does retire, it won't be Addy. That would just be like metaphorical internet nuclear explosion. and AG would certainly loose business then.

  6. Redheads are very popular right now...

  7. Thank you for keeping us informed! How I want the doll to be Kirsten. Her items are so expensive on ebay. She is such a fun doll with a beautiful collection. The things I liked best about Felicity was her clothing, but after seeing Samantha's new line of clothing, I hope that if it is Kirsten or Felicity they continue making great doll clothes for the line. Samantha's 2nd wave has more pink than the 1st which had more color choices. Thats the best part of any doll collection...the accessories! Plus if they do bring back Kirsten the hair on the wig cap needs to be fuller which can provide more play value in hair styling, which was not the case the first time around. To tell you the truth, I really hope whatever the doll, the clothing line is stellar and worth the wait.

  8. Well, if Felicity comes back, we'll have a redhead again. It's very possible a doll is coming out of the archives, because American Girl stated that the new AA doll comes out in 2016. However I thought I saw somewhere that one of the AG authors has a historical book set slated for 2015. That of course could be the new AA dolls books, and her release date got pushed forward. Only time will tell I guess. Get prepared for hot pink colonial dresses though if Felicity comes back lol. I have almost all of Felicitys old outfits, so I wouldn't really mind a bunch of pink outfits. Felicity actually has had her meet outfit changed before, so she would hold the record for the most meet outfits, that's for sure!

  9. Monica, as you mentioned the Revolution was the start of America...which is why I really think Philadelphia should have an AG store. LOL Yes, I've said it before. I'll say it again. :)

    I'm looking forward to all the new releases. Thank you for keeping us posted, Rhonda!

  10. Wasn't Felicity re released a couple of years ago when AG DC store had their grand opening? I know a couple of collectors had a chance to get a brand new Felicity then, so hopefully they give Kirsten a chance to come back for a short time. Connecting the theme of Manifest Destiny, homestead and immigration it could be good for current events and historical reasons. Plus she was one of the original three...please bring back Kirsten AG...I mean what do we have to do to get this going.

    1. *claps hands* Yes AG pllleeaassee bring back Kirsten!!!

  11. I hope they bring out Kannai this year

  12. i wish kannai would come back.. i LOVE her hair. i want them to make an 80s doll but if they are gonna bring back one i woulkd choose samantha

  13. and they should bring bakc gwen

  14. wait they brough sam back they need to bring ivy back

