
Thursday, January 22, 2015

*RUMOR* - Possible BEFOREVER Dresses

My source wishes to remain anonymous, but here are the eBay and Taobao links for possible new Beforever outfits. 

 Dress One
Reminds me a lot of Samantha's Bridesmaid Dress. Since this dress is not included in her Pleasant Company Pretty Clothes pattern set, it is not a homemade dress.
 (right click on the image to view)

It's unclear if both dresses are for Samantha or if one dress is for Rebecca. They could be generic or prototypes because there is no label. If they are prototype dresses, the colors and fabrics could change. And it is unclear what the matching girl dresses will look like.

Personally I'm not a fan and my first thought was, 'oh no more Pepto pink!'  This could be Samantha's flower picking dress along with the RUMORED gazebo.

Of course this is ALL SPECULATION!

 With the RUMOR of Samantha getting a Gazebo (February 12), it's unclear what her backyard garden or city park will look like. I saw a few garden items right size for Samantha's spring garden and flower picking set. All are at Hobby Lobby.

  Imagine this full of flowers!

No garden is complete without a birdbath.

 You can even cover the seat of the bike and use it as an extra for Nellie.


  1. Links opened to "ended" listings for me...

    1. for dress one, i just need to scroll down to see that 'original' listing. for dress two, the image appears as a 'banner' across the top, i needed to right click and 'view image' to see it.

  2. I can't see the second dress link. I don't know if it is my computer or the link itself?

    1. It's not working for me either. It says "exception" when I try to load the page and right clicking doesn't work either.

      What's the Taobao seller's name?

    2. If you right click then select VIEW IMAGE, you should be able to view it.

    3. It won't even let me go on the page. Is this my computer?

  3. If I were to guess, dress 1 looks like it might be for Rebecca and dress 2 is for Samantha. Dress 1 looks too similar to Samantha's meet outfit (of course fabrics can change, but it still strikes me as a Rebecca dress). Dress 2 has a dropped waist that reminds me of Samantha's light blue party dress.

  4. I'm trying to understand where all of this pink is coming from. AG's supposed target market is 8-12 year old girls. That age bracket is not a chief consumer of frilly pink. Who is Mattel selling the pink stuff to? Perhaps their unspoken market is 5 and 6 year olds? It concerns me a little because this is what Mattel did to their Barbie brand. What used to be a doll for older girls to play with became a toy two-year-olds receive for their birthday. By the time they are old enough to actually play with the doll, they are over it. I know, I've got a 7 year old daughter and saw it over and over again with her and her friends. Barbie is a little girl's toy now. Sad.

    1. Great finds at Hobby Lobby, Rhonda. What I like is that most craft stores like Hobby Lobby also do discounts/coupons. Every time I go to HL's website I can almost always find a 40% off coupon. I paid $17 for a doll house there once. I was super stoked. As a girl back in the late eighties early nineties, I wanted Samantha so bad, or at least what little of the collection I could find in the catalogs. I remember a lot of darker tones, like maroon. These days I don't feel the need to get Sam. I'm not a huge fan of pink and while it may be time accurate I don't like the idea of too much of it. I won't knock anyone for liking it, though. Everyone has their preferences. My four-year-old has been asking relentlessly for a Barbie. Some may not agree with me and that's fine. I think she's far too young. The way Barbie dresses now is too mature for her. Plus she cannot even put the shoes on and change outfits. That's the most fun! She's not able to care for the hair either. She has one Barbie, a special edition Irish one from the fan club. And it was gifted to her by my mother. She doesn't play with it, yet. My other issue with Barbies is that they're made so cheap now, at least the ones I find at Target and Walmart. Their bodies are hollow plastic and their faces feel like vinyl. I remember growing up and even the $3 swim suit Barbies had hard non-cheapy bodies. So that's another reason I won't pay for one at this time. If she gets into them in the future I may consider getting her the really nice ones once in a while.

    2. I do agree with you. I would recommend the Ever after high dolls, maybe. They're still fashion dolls but they have better clothing than barbie. (at least in my opinion, you may think differently) and they're body molds are completely different. I still would wait till she's older though, especially if you're worried about how she'll care for the dolls.

    3. I know right? I think that they must have unlocked a vault in their storage room that had the a huge (unamazing) selection of pink fabrics! Like, I looked at the first one and saw it and thought it looks like they reused Samantha's bridesmaid dress pattern with their new pink fabrics. Then I looked at the second one and I just see PINK. Like. Samantha must go shopping at that store or something because her clothes are like crazy pink. The only one that isn't pink is her $64 holiday dress. And her coat. You'd have to wear that coat over the pink outfits if you really hated it that much. Or redress her. I don't know. I think that AG is getting ridiculous with the pink. Also, a lot of their outfits look like 3 year old's outfits. Such as the new MyAG Hit the Slopes Outfit, and Kit's Reporter Outfit. But as for the pink, I think that most horseback riders would not be allowed to wear a pink coat and most cow girls would not wear a short pink plaid dress. Not all girls like pink!

    4. I agree with Pepper and everyone here!

    5. Agree as well. I just don't know what's come over them! As for a secret in their marketing tactics going to the younger crowd speculation... Hmm. Yep, sure looks like it!

  5. Both dresses look to be made for Samantha, with their frilly lace trims and pink theme. I personally don't know what to think. They're cute, I guess but still sort of a "meh" reaction from me. I can't wait for the big spring release!
