
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

*Review* Maryellen's Play Outfit

In the 1950s women and children were free to wear pants in public. So pant length changed based on fashion and comfort.  Let's take a look at how Maryellen's play outfit fit into 1950 fashion. Which 
would you wear?

Maryellen's play outfit includes: top, pants, hair ribbon and shoes. The top embroidery is beautiful and very detailed.

Even the shoes have embroidery.

The girls love the different pant lengths.

The AG Apricot poodle is a PWP for $14 for purchases over $50.  The girls are happy to see the dogs are being friendly.

Maryellen loves to take her doll on a bike ride, as she meets up with her friends.

I love this outfit, it is my favorite of all her outfits.


  1. Diana, Bermuda shorts are not pedal pushers. Bermuda shorts are 1 inch above the knee. Pedal pushers (cuffed or no cuffs) were sometimes referred to as clam diggers. Pedal pushers are calf length. You left out one. Jamaica shorts are middle of thigh. I grew up in the 50s so I have worn all of these pants.

  2. Thanks for sharing! What other tops would have been popular Fifties wear? Madelon
