
Monday, September 7, 2015

It's Retro Diner Week!!!!! - Printables!

Hey it's Retro Diner week!
We're going to look at various diner and eatery projects you can make for your dolls to enjoy.

There are a few retro diner options out there for your '50s doll scenes and play.
Or you can make your own.

To get you started, here is a collection of printables!

courtesy: Tammy Russ

courtesy: Tammy Russ

courtesy: Tammy Russ

courtesy: Tammy Russ

courtesy: Tammy Russ

Coca cola courtesy Madelon


  1. I love those printables! Thanks for sharing! However, may I ask what the second to last is suppose to be?

  2. How cute! Maryellen will love this!

  3. Nice! Wish we could have that diner - so awesome. Thanks for the printables.
    - Dawn

  4. What are the dimensions of the place mats?
