
Saturday, September 26, 2015

DIY - TV Screens for TM Flat Screen

As soon as I saw the entertainment center I knew it would need more screens, so here is how to add more screens for your doll's TV entertainment set.  This is how the new screens will look, I made this one.

What you will need:  Clear Full sheet size sticker paper and clear protector sheets.  I found these small size protector sheets for $1.99 at Office Depot.

Select the pictures you want to use and size them to fit a template. 

 I created a template that fits two pictures on one full sheet of paper.

Print the pictures unto the sticker paper and cut inside the black border. Stick the printed sticker unto the clear plastic protector.

Cut off the extra plastic and then insert into the AG Flat TV and turn it on.

The results are terrific and will enhance your doll's TV privileges.


  1. Omg this is probably the best DIY of the year!!! I can't wait to get the TV now!

  2. Thanks Diana for this terrific idea!

  3. If you do not have printable sticker paper, you could also print the picture and use self-adhesive laminating sheets (they sell boxes of 50 sheets made by Avery on Amazon). I use these for lots of things. Sharon

  4. Great job !I love this idea!

  5. So creative! Madelon
