
Sunday, August 30, 2015

*Reader Photos* AG Fashion Show Auditions - Houston

Fashion Show auditions were great, the event was from 1pm - 4pm in the Mall with the American Girl Store. Disney Store Grand Opened this weekend also, so it was not positioned in front of the store like was hoped, nonetheless very well done. 

The 125 girls that they select will be notified by email. The show will be held in November and there will be a total of four shows. Preregistration is an absolute when you have 1000 girls trying out!


We met this sweetheart to the left in the American Girl Store. She came in from out of town to celebrate her birthday and we asked her to come along.

This young lady is in The American Girl Fashion Show every year, she was Felicity the last two years, but will be Maryellen this year.


  1. I hope she makes it. She is a cutie! Madelon

    1. Thank you Madelon you are kind. She will be a VIP Model. She and Her Kaya Doll's. I can't wait for the Show in November.

  2. Your daughter looks super cute!! Hope she gets chosen.
