
Thursday, August 27, 2015

*NEWS* BeForever Maryellen Larkin "Official" Launch Coverage Begins TODAY

LADL will have real time coverage of the official Maryellen Larkin launch TODAY from the following locations:
AGP DC - Madelon reporting
AGP NYC - Michelle reporting
AGP Boston - Maria reporting
AGP Nashville - Shelly reporting
AGP Atlanta - Diana reporting
AGP Houston - Maxine reporting

Coverage begins when the stores open!!


  1. Looking forward to reading!

  2. Sigh. I went to Palo Alto's today, not as packed as I thought it would be. My girls took me everywhere other than Maryellen so I never really got to see her collection in depth. On the other hand, we came home with Grace's Bakery! Barely fit into my car...that surcharge is well worth it in my opinion!
    From what I did see of Maryellen's collection...not too impressed. I hope her stories are good though.
