
Sunday, August 16, 2015

*In Store Report* OG Pets + New Dolls

A tale of three Targets! Madelon visited her local Target and brings us this portion of the In Store Report.

Diana went to two Super Target stores. Here is her report.

 I am so happy to see they finally have a new face mold. May Lee is at the stores and she has a new face mold.  Her lips are heart shape and pucker out and her face is slimmer. She is very pretty, but her bangs tend to stick out in some dolls more than others. Now if OG can get better hair, she would be top on my list.

 New also is Amya and her hair can be painted using special chalk colors.

Here is a better look at the face difference with the new mold.

Side view.

New robe and slippers for girls and dolls.

Closed slippers very cute.

 Based on the tag there are more sets to come.

New PJs for girls and doll with cupcake design.
I wanted the Husky pup, since that is my favorite dog and I own an Alaskan Malamute which is part of the Husky family, but he is almost all white.  I did not find him so I settled for the Beagle.  Today I found the Husky pup, and the pink overall that I was waiting for and new items girl/doll jewelry.

 New OG Girl and doll jewelry, looks interesting.

New pets take a look at size difference.

There are six new sized dogs here they are:

More doggies, missing from the assortment was the Husky.

There are now six different kittens.

More Kittens.

Here are all the different pets per their tag.

The beagle came home with me, he is adorable.  Very soft, but his legs do not bend and the head doesn't turn.  All the pets come with collar and leash for $7.99.

Teepee is adorable and easy to put together.

Katie loves the outdoors and intermediately got into the tent with her new beagle, which she calls wiggles because he is always wagging his tail, he is so happy.

A close up of the accessories that come with the Teepee.

 At a second store I found the Husky pup.

I also found a very cute and soft poodle made by Russ for the Yomiko Classics collection for $5.99.

Friends forever.

The new OG "Fashion Overall" in soft pink. Fits Annie very nicely. Notice that the poodle went to Diana's Pet Hospital for a quick grooming job.  She got pink bows and Annie picked her up immediately.

The girls agreed that today was pet day, and they each bonded with the new doggies.

I went to two different Super Target stores and it seems these pets are flying off the shelves.  The cats are the first to go.


  1. Beautiful doll Diana. The OG outfit and accessories look great on Annie. What kind of doll is she? The pets are adorably cute. Thank you for sharing. Will be on the lookout for them at my local Target.

    1. Hi Ticia, Annie and Katie are both part of the Gotz Happy Kidz collection, they are German dolls, If you would like to see their collection go to the website: look under the Gotz dolls They are one of my favorite dolls, besides AG. Diana

  2. The teepee set just for dolls $30 is on

  3. Great report! I'm hing to visit my target soon. I've heard they remodeled the doll isle.

  4. may Lee IS beautiful, but the bangs seem intended to stick out. I just don't like that look. Maybe eventually they will reissue with a different hairdo?

    1. Having bought one, I can tell you that the hair is awful. I suspect I'll be rewigging.

  5. I've been waiting for the May Lee mold to reach Target since I saw the doll on the OG web site. Nice to see pics of her. The eyes seem a little off tho. I'm not a big fan of the OG dolls in general--the odd arms really bother me--but May Lee may have to join my collection, even if it means an eventual arm swap and maybe a re-root! :) I also like her "meet" clothes. I own Gotz Emily and really like the red haired version they came out with the following year--glad to see her photos as well. Interesting to learn OG clothes fit Gotz-- shouldn't have been a surprise to me because the dolls are both on the slim side compared to AG. Gotz own doll clothes line is wonderful. though unfortunately not readily available here.

  6. Great report. Of everything mentioned I think I like the teepee best.
