
Saturday, August 22, 2015

*In Store Report* AGP Scottsale, AZ + Maryellen Debut

Shosy was at Scottsdale's Soft Opening on Friday. 




Thank you Shosy!


I adore Maryellen's collection and displays. 
What are your MUST HAVES?


  1. Great pictures! What is the Seaside Diner made of? Is it wood or plastic? Madelon

  2. I like the doll, the diner and the Christmas backdrop. Madelon

  3. I love a lot of stuff from this release! Maryellen is at the top of my list, along with her poodle skirt outfit, crinoline, play outfit, PJ's + those adorable rollers, and skating outfit + accessories... I like a lot of her collection. After reading Maryellen's books I really appreciate her collection even more because most of the outfits have stories behind them, which I really like.
    I also love the holiday things for the TM dolls; particularly the light yellow holiday dress and the (reincarnated, lol) polar bear PJ's. Looks like I'll be broke after this. :(


  4. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    I'm digging that Christmas backdrop! Is that the only backdrop? I wish they'd come out w/ BeForevr backdops too, or maybe just basic ones like a neighborhod street, or a school gym to look like displays in older catalogs.

  5. I really like all the latest truly me things. (Especially the popcorn machine!)

    For Maryellen....
    Maryellen Doll
    Poodle Skirt
    Pjs and Hairtsyle set
    And possibly the diner. I'll have to see it in person. If I don't really like it, then I'll probably get OG's Retro Diner.
    Did you get any photos of the back of the TV?

  6. What isn't to love about any of them? They are all so cute. I just wish the tv wasn't so plastic!

  7. from one pic I saw today, the TV Does Have some Wood Grain to parts of it...glad to see that!
    And weren't blonde wooden TV cabinets more expensive, then?

  8. I am so excited that there is finally a AG store in AZ! I am going with my mom next Friday! We are both super thrilled to see Maryellen in person! I will be buying her that day along with one of her outfits...Not sure which one yet (ideas?). I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT!

  9. Wait can you BUY Maryellen there????

    1. Rumor is that Maryellen sold out yesterday at AZ store

  10. My must haves include:
    Those pajamas
    The winter set
    The living room casual outfit
    The huge green/blue fancy dress
    living room table
    The new modern outfit with popcorn machine
    The modern sofa, it looks so cool!

  11. Do they have carts at a.g. Store??? I think I am going to need one( or2) LOL. Can't decide now that I seen so many reviews,want it all !!!

  12. Wow I'm actually surprised. Recently I've been disappointed with AG's Truly Me releases, but this one's got me hooked. I've been searching for the AGOT tv for a while and then they released another one. Ironic much? I love both of the Christmas dresses and may be getting them. Unfortunately, I am not struck by MaryEllen. She just seems to scream Our Generation at me.
