
Monday, August 24, 2015

Girl Scout Maryellen - Story Discussion


Maryellen is a Girl Scout. In 1954, things looked differently within the Girl Scout organization.

Girls wore berets and badges were sewn onto the sleeves of their dress.

Girl Scout calendars were produced every year. 

It's unclear whether Maryellen will eventually have a GS uniform added to her collection. I have re-created my own outfit to show as example of what GS uniforms may have looked like in 1954.  

 Other interesting tidbits about Maryellen, her BFF is a boy named Davy. She and her siblings have bunk beds. She enjoys roller skating. She is a cartoonist. She speaks Italian. She becomes a TV-news feature.


  1. If she does come out with a Girl Scout uniform, I think we will have to get Maryellen. My daughter is a Girl Scout and loves it!

  2. Very nice re-creation, Rhonda!

  3. Great job on the uniform, Rhonda. I will have to work on one too for my Maryellen. Also OG just came out with a new set for Girl Scout accessories it will go great with this. I will send in a post. Diana

  4. Oh, I was a girl scout! Loved it, I really hope AG does make a uniform for her. I admire you Ronda to be able to make your own as well as others. I will need to rely on AG to have the foresight to make one for eager buyers. Hope it comes with a beautiful set similar to Molly's camp stories. Ms. Tripp did a great job helping readers visualize a 1944 camp setting. Very excited to read these stories again and compare them to MaryEllen's 1950s theme.

  5. MARYELLEN STOP BEING PERFECT! I'm a girl scout Cadette, and that makes me super excited.

  6. I love your uniform creation! The hat is adorable, and Kit's shoes are a perfect choice. I'm getting more excited to read Maryellen's books. Girl Scouting was a big part of my life growing up, and I love that she has a male best friend. Valerie Tripp never disappoints.

  7. So far it's Maryellen's outfits I want. If they come out with a scout uniform, I am definitely getting that (unless it's $58). :)

  8. Didn't you show us how to make a beret? I'd like to try to make one. Mine all have a band.
