Monday, July 13, 2015

*NEWS* LADL Mention in Jezebel Article

@LivingADollsLife is honored to have been mentioned among great AGIG accounts such as @LizAGFan, @onemoredoll, @Karaleels, @Mommynmeag and @AGdollflorida in a recent online article from Jezebel.  

Photo credit: Linda


  1. Congrats to you and all tjose in the article. I am excited they used a photo of my new #26, Crystal. -OneMoreDoll

  2. Wow, what a great article!! It is respectful and even handed, I am proud of Jezebel for getting this one right. Kudos to them and all the AGIG folk, who indulge a timeless and innocent love of these dolls. There is NO age limit on loving dolls! Dolly On!

  3. Congratulations. It is fun and innocent.

  4. Congrats! Madelon

  5. I'll have to look again later. The article is layered right now. The opening paragraphs lead me to believe it is a very complimentary article.

    Congratulations on being featured!

  6. Congrats Rhonda!!! The article is making the rounds in AG world and I was so happy to see you mentioned!!! To be honest, you're the only one I recognized. (I don't use Instagram)

    Stay fabulous Superstar!!! ^_~

  7. I just read the article and as a doll collecter for 35 years,thank family and friends have also made some remarks about an adult "playing " with dolls..I have everything from Polly pocket size to the patti Play pal size..barbies were my favorite ,till they change her..I still buy vintage barbies but I started buying a.g. In March and have 20 now..5 are new purchases but most are eBay/ Craig 's list .I love them all.i have made some displays with them. And sew for them as well..I have had a lots of compliments on my displays..I do a lot of work on the dolls ,cleaning and fixing ,redoing the is relaxing for me and my husband has even helped me with some ideas for this Christmas displays..having dolls is great fun...I also have several dollhouses,1-1 and Barbie size. I have been following Zazakkollect on instram..she and her mom have the most gorgeous a.g. House. Check them out,it is fabulous..long live doll lovers..
