
Monday, May 4, 2015

*NEWS* AG Announces Caroline Abbott Archival


  1. What??? Noooo Caroline is my favorite! And she only came out like 3 years ago. What is AG doing?? They are making a terrible mistake...

    1. why does she have to go she has so mush life still left i bet in the next 2 years they would have sold about 6,000,000 carolines she is too beautiful to go

  2. NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SAY IT ISN'T SO! Caroline is my favorite historical character. She had such a unique and well thought out story plot-- not to mention that she was a beautiful doll. :( :( :( :( :( :(


  3. Well, that stinks. Madelon

  4. No this is not fair she came out in 2012 this is the third doll they are archiving that has not even been out for that long! :( poor Caroline.

  5. I think it is a TERRIBLE idea to have quick turnaround Historical dolls. Even looking back at the Felicity catalog posted a few days ago here show how amazing the collections used to be. They might as well start doing an Historical Doll of the Year. I know Caroline was probably a special case (what with the copyright issues in Canada and her story was a little lackluster IMO) and they are trying to put a good spin on it, but with the historical characters, the point is to invest in the characters and develop their world.

    I know I am going to want the new doll coming out, but this will definitely keep me from putting too much money into her collection.

    1. True that. Lol making a historical of the year!! It sure seems this way! It just so frustrating.

  6. I'm not a fan of Caroline but I am a little upset to see her go. She had such beautiful dresses and I love her boat! I'm really looking forward to the doll coming in fall! (MARY ELLEN) ^_^

  7. This is my take ... I think AG knows that they can make the most profit by making their historical characters available for only few years. I'm sure the sales are the highest when a new doll is first released. Sales eventually slow down, but then there's another peak when the doll's archival is announced and people rush to buy the doll and complete their collection. This way, AG can clear out warehouse space for a new character who will in turn have her own high debut sales.

  8. Oh, sad news! I love everything in connection with the Jane Austen era. I should get her! But I'm worrying about her hair care. How bad is it?

    1. Her hair is similar to Saige's hair and can be tricky. It fingers curls easily with water. I have struggled with her hair - it takes MORE time for touch ups after clothing changes.

    2. If you're pretty good at taking care of most doll hair then I doubt it will be a problem if you're careful with it, but if you aren't as experienced with doll hair than I would not recommend her. It seems like every time American girl archives a doll its one of my favorites. So disappointing :[ does anyone know when this archival is going to happen?

    3. She is here thru Dec. 31, but I believe she will sell out before. Once the doll is sold out - then that is her official date. LADL will keep an eye out and alert for dwindling items in her collection.

    4. I use other dolls to be Jane Austen characters, but take advantage of Caroline's clothing collection. Her spencer and bonnet are perfect for this!
      My daughter has Caroline and most of her collection, just not her new dress and table, skiff and bed-just the four items is around $500....very disheartening.

    5. What I don't understand is that in the past when a doll is scheduled to be archived, there is an official notice by the Christmas catalog to hurry up & buy her because this upcoming year is her last year. So what does this mean for future historical dolls scheduled to be archived? I have Josefina. Are they going to give me only 1/2 a years notice that she is going to be archived? Grant it some of her collection was archived without any announcement, like her food, summer activities, school supplies, her doll Nina, so all that she has left are her clothes, goat, bed, table & chairs. But still... Also what I don't understand is that this whole "Beforever" brand made such a fuss when it debut that it wanted to make a stronger connection for the girls of today to the girls of the past, but with the archival turnaround, how is that even possible? My friend refers to this whole thing as AG Survivor Island & its really not a stretch of the imagination. Part of me wonders what Pleasant Roland secretly thinks of what happened to what she had started.

  9. Over the weekend, I was looking around AG website, was on the Purses, Watches & Jewelry page. On Page 2 is the BeForever doll accessories, all except Caroline and Josefina.

    1. Yes, Josefina will be getting more items in the second wave of BeForever August 27. My guess is that Josefina will be next to archive.

    2. Any reason Josefina would retire if they're giving her new items? I hope she doesn't! She's one of my favorites and I don't own her yet.


    3. There has been talk for a while about Josie archiving. She was promised new items and she is getting them in the second BF wave.

      Once the Mexico stores open this summer, she may be a store exclusive there after Archiving here. Ivy was a store exclusive in Hawaii after retiring. Its speculation of course, but we will watch closely.

    4. Someone on FaceBook asked if Caroline would be in the Nashville store, when it opened May 30, 2015. AG responded with they didn't know.

    5. Another observation, AG has responded a couple times that the mini doll and books would be available after archiving. However, I thought they said the books of archived dolls wouldn't be available once doll is archived, but maybe I misunderstood.

    6. NOOOO! Please not Josefina! I just got her and really want to build up her collection before she is archived. I guess I better make sure I get everything I want of her collection by spring of 2016. Josefina is my favorite Beforever character my far!

  10. Thanks for posting the info from AG FB page for readers.
    Mary Ellen:

  11. Given many of the recent retirements (Marie-Grace, Cecile, Caroline and 3 dolls with bangs) I'm wondering how much the hair care issue is becoming a part of the decision in which dolls to remove from the line? I am excited to see what they are coming out with though, fingers crossed that they aren't going to be more of the same old thing.

    1. I think if the hair is hard for little kids to take care of, the doll tends to sell less well. When it sells less well, AG archives it. Therefore, dolls with harder hair to care for do tend to have a higher chance of being archived.

  12. Do you think that Rebecca will go soon as her sideboard was reduced? Madelon

    1. No - after the beds went on deep discount last year and the "goof" on AG Website :
      It's more than likely the second wave of BF will have new furniture items. The first wave update/revamped the dolls and clothing/accessories. This could mean new furniture pieces.

  13. Guys. I think you all know the reason Caroline is retiring.... the copyright battle with that Artist. I think the Artist Carolynne just Brought a Major Company crashing to the ground.... she just rid AG of a doll thats NOT even spelled the same way as hers!!! this is outrageous!!! a copyright battle over a doll and ART!!! how rediculous is it that AG lost the battle to an Artist!!

  14. In one post, AG said they will have 8 BeForever dolls, with archival and then new release. BUT...this post, below,...making room in catalog and store, and more frequently??? They got rid of Molly, Emily, Ivy, Marie Grace and Cecile, far more than they are replacing, How much more room do they need? Could this turn into Historical Doll of the Year? "American Girl Hi Amy, it’s important to know that the top request we consistently hear from our fans is that they want new characters added to the BeForever lineup. However, space limitations in our catalogue and retail stores only allow us to effectively showcase a certain amount of characters. To that end, one of the main objectives with the new BeForever line is to introduce new historical characters to the line more frequently, while ensuring that we present each character and their world in a substantial and compelling way for our fans. In fact, we have exciting plans to introduce a brand-new historical character to the line this year! Please stay tuned to Facebook, our catalogue, and website for more information closer to launch in early fall !"

    1. Well, Emily, and Ivy were basically, sidekicks, so they did not really count as part of the historical line, in that sense. Marie-Grace & Cecile, well they were considered a "friends collection". They could not archive one without the other, so they had to be archived at the same time.

  15. I'm really disappointed in Caroline's archival as she is one of my favorites. I just love her time period. But I wonder what does archiving a doll really mean nowadays considering Samantha came back? Does this all relate to the term BeForever?

    As much as I love Caroline, I always felt something was lacking from her collection. She had a handful of outfits and bigger ticket items (skiff, parlor, bed, table), but not enough in the middle. I don't have tons of room for big things but like to collect more than just clothes. I loved her birthday set, cat, calf but there wasn't much more. A sewing set would have been fabulous.

  16. Felicity had retired, but came back when the AG DC (Virginia) opened, if I recall correctly. Madelon

  17. Ugh, now I really want Caroline and all the AG stuff I want to get at the AG place (memorial day weekend). But I only have 136 saved up right now and ... I think I'm going to try and find a Caroline to modernize on ebay. But I wanted some of her collection too.

    1. Don't forget HAPPYMAY - $10 off $100 in store

    2. I seen someone post today on Facebook of A/G that certain people are getting coupons mail that are 10.00 of 50.00. But not everyone . She is upset. I think she has a valid point . Why didn't all of us get it?

    3. The coupon that some are getting is 10.00 off of 50.00 and not the 10.00 off of 100.00 but they did not give it to all. I think this is very unfair?

    4. Thanks! I have heard about certain people not getting coupons but I will defiantly try the code.

  18. I would assume that much more money is spent buying the dolls and accessories on-line as opposed to in-store sales, so the amount of space taken up by historical dolls in the stores as a reason to cut back is not as persuasive an argument. Madelon

  19. I am glad that Rebecca might be around for awhile. Madelon

  20. I'm trying to get a handle on all of this for my daughter. If they are retiring Caroline to make room for Mary Ellen, isn't there supposed to be an African American historical coming out next year? Who can we anticipate archiving then to make room for her? Or is Mary Ellen the AA doll and I missed something?

    1. As mentioned in a previous comment, RUMOR is that Josefina will be next to archive.

      She is getting a new collection for the second wave of BF in Aug 27, but could archive in 2016 to make room for the AA doll. She could remain a Mexico exclusive. Again this all speculation.

    2. I am a little concerned for Addy. If you look at her current collection, there isn't much left.

    3. Honestly, I hear everyone saying Josefina might be next to be archived, But I think it is Addy, who will be next and she has been there quite a while. Especially since, AG has already officially stated that another new doll willl be coming in 2016. I don't think AG will have 2 African American dolls in their Beforever line up. If anything I would hope that an Asian doll would be next. If the next doll to be archived after Addy, I don't think they will archive Josefina, unless they have another hispanic doll to replace her.
      My guess is the next doll to be archived would be Julie or Kit. There are already 2 many blondes in the lineup. One of them will have to go. But my guess is Julie, because she is to close year wise(1974), to the 2 new upcoming releases, of 1950's and 1960's.

  21. Thank you for posting the email Rhonda, I had heard people were receiving it, so I'm happy to see it for myself.

    I'm thinking next year will be a Josefina archival. IIRC she has a mini doll and 3rd book for fall and a mystery book coming next year (mostly likely early 2016.) So by summer-fall they can wrap things up with her.

    If anybody complains they can point to the Latina GOTY and Black BeForver doll as proof it's not a race thing. It's brilliant on AG's part but sad because I like Josefina.

    Big clues for an archival of Josefina will be her release this fall. I'd be surprised if she gets anything big AND unique or honestly anything truly new/unique in her collection besides clothes.

    I don't think Addy is going anywhere soon. AG wants to make sure the new Black doll is a hit before getting rid of her, especially after Cecile.

  22. I find the coupon discrimination very annoying being that we have spent so much money there over the years. I wanted to redeem the $10 off $100 that I got for an April purchase but was required to find it in my car before the store took off the discount. If I had ordered on line I could have punched in a code. Madelon

  23. I have to get Caroline and Rebecca! I love them both so much! I love josephina too...
