
Monday, April 27, 2015

*REVIEW* Molly's Scenes and Settings - The American Girl's Collection (Video)

An inviting flagstone path and colorful flowers welcome visitors to Molly's house. The Victory garden, filled with Mrs. Gilford's home-grown vegetables, is in the side yard. A neat white fence marches around Molly's backyard. The pickets in the fence are as strict and straight as soldiers on parade!


Everything in Molly's bedroom was special and comforting, from the slippers under her bed to the picture of Dad on the dresser. In her room, Molly giggled with friends and dreamed to her heart's content, but she also did her part for the war effort. She took good care of her clothes and the nurse doll that Dad gave her, saved odds and ends in a special scrap box, and reused old jars for projects. 

 Molly is among my favorite historical dolls. Her S&S are so beautiful I am so thrilled to own this.

Measures 29” x 23” - fold out backgrounds include: front of Molly's house, the Mc Intire kitchen, Molly's bedroom, classroom in Willow Street School, Corner Drugstore, Camp Gowonagin,  Molly's World Map. Side snap closure and top carry handle. The top handle is missing from this one.

  The entire book is in VERY VERY GOOD condition! These were released 1996 and retired 2000. This book is 15-19 years old and the only damage I see, are two small spots on the cover; no peeling, puckering, fading or scratches.

The shiny and clean McIntire kitchen had all the tools and appliances that a "modern" cook in the 1940s might need. Mrs. Gilford planned balanced meals in spite of war shortages--many recipes used little or no meat, sugar, butter, or canned vegetables! These foods were rationed so that they could be sent to American soldiers in faraway places. 

The shelves at the corner drugstore held all sorts of interesting things and the walls were covered with posters calling women to war jobs and men to the army. But Molly's favorite part of the drugstore was the soda fountain. She loved nothing better than to perch on the tall stool and turn its seat from side to side as she slowly read the list of flavors on the blackboard.

 Molly and her friends walked or rode their bikes to public school. Students began each school day by saluting the flag and singing a patriotic song. Then they discussed the latest news of the war, and used maps to keep track of the places where American troops were fighting. School days also included Victory assemblies and scrap drives. School was Molly's war duty, and she was proud to do her part. 

 Molly's days at camp were filled with activity. Every morning, she'd dress in uniform before she ran off to the Morning Flag Raising Ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance. After breakfast, the campers met in the field to play sports, then headed down to the lake for swimming or canoe lessons. At night, campers cooked over a campfire. There were no electric lights, so campers used flashlights whenever they left their tents--and for late-night flashlight conferences!

I am a BIG fan of the scenes and settings!! They are GORGEOUSLY painted, sturdy and of course perfect size for photo shoots.  Dress up any photo, doll room or doll house with these sets. I have taken mine apart to use inside my doll room in multiple places. The lock and close feature is EASY to do.

See the details up close.


  1. I love this! Have been looking for a long time but haven't found anything reasonable. I will have to keep looking, I guess. Madelon

  2. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    Deja vu? LOL! I have plans for my set...I'm gonna turn the camp scene into Camp Wilderness (boys camp). I think the drug store might become Woolworth's lunch counter. The classroom could be Mrs. Johnson's class, the kitchen could be anyone's, since both my dolls Shante' and Susan have older sisters (whom we never see, but are implied), the bedroom may become one of their's. I think I'll put a printout of Barbie's townhouse where the dollhouse is....yes!

    1. All great repurposing ideas, Sharry!

  3. I would like to see more of these released for the historical dolls. They seem to be very popular with the modern dolls so I would think they would be just as popular with Beforever.

  4. Amy, I'm with you. I love these sets. I have a Samantha Parking ton set and it is just amazing for scenes. The company really paid attention to detail with the items in the pictures. With Samantha there is a bust of a famous musician and a picture of The Horse Fair, which is a real work of art. Hope they do make more of these.

  5. I didn't know AG made such a thing. How wonderful! The art work is beautiful! Worth every penny! Lucky Girl!!!!!!!

  6. Fabulous find! Good for you. These are awesome. Can you imagine what that would cost now if they still made them?

  7. Congratulations!!! I love these backdrops and would be thrilled to find some of these books too! What a wonderful treasure!!!
