
Sunday, April 19, 2015

*Reader Photos* Adorable Addy

I wanted to share one idea that I had for pairing the hat from the Summer Dress set with other outfits made for Addy's line.  Unfortunately, some of these items they do not offer at the AG store anymore, but they still look cute on all Addy dolls PC and AG and can be had on the 2nd hand market. 

Since my Addy likes to cook, she was in Samantha's kitchen on Easter Sunday.  She was amazed at all the modern amenities of 1904. :)  

As you probably  guessed, she also likes to time travel to other AG dolls time periods.  In her book Meet Addy, Ms Caroline helps both Addy and her mother find shelter. I sometimes time travel Addy back to 1812 with AGs Caroline imagining that she is the younger Ms Caroline who loves boats, and is still brave and just.  If I do the math, that would make the 1812 Caroline around Ms Caroline's age during Addy's time period, which I believe is around 55+.

Hope you like the outfit idea. I think your Addy is awesome and looks lovely.  From one Addy fan to another.


  1. Your Addy doll is beautiful, Ticia. I love the historical connection between Caroline and Addy-- I never thought about it that way! :)


    1. Thank you Mia! As painful as that time period is for so many Americans, I love to find those connections between people through historical fiction. Ms Caroline represents so many good people trying to make a bad situation right throughout history. Its nice to see that in AG fiction storytelling and in nonfiction books & stories.

  2. Awesome doll and accessories!

    1. Thanks Farrah! AG had really good sales this year. I think the hutch is still on sale. Even now, the prices on the MyAG items are hard for me to resist. But it took me awhile to learn, wait for the sales on accessories.

  3. Great setting for Addy. I love the connection you made with Caroline as well.
