
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Listen to Molly's Radio

In Molly's day radio shows were very popular and served as family entertainment in the evenings. 


Listen to Molly's Radio!!!


  1. Here is a link for old radio programs.

  2. From Julie's doll mom:*

    I remember the AG Molly radio shows. Once she had her aunt who was a pilot as a guest. I happen to be a big fan of radio shows. As a matter of fact, I collect them. I have Superman, Green Hornet, The Shadow, Mark Trail, The Whistler, The Inner Sanctum, Murder At Midnight, and tons more! I even have a cathedral radio w/ a tape deck in it for my radio shows, (but it needs to be fixed.) But I still listen to them though, it's just more fun on the old time cathedral radio.

  3. Oh my the one thing I wish that I had been able to get was Molly's radio. I absolutely adore it! I love, love, love old fashion radio shows and the music from that era :)
