
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

*RUMOR* BeForever AA Character 2016

Rumors have spread like wildfire!
On the heels of Caroline's rumored pending archival later this year and the rumored debut of 1950s Maryellen fall 2015, there is a rumor from the same source about the next 2016 AA BeForever character being from Detroit in the 1960s.

It's unclear if her name will be Gabriela or if this is reserved for 2016 GOTY.

If this is true, that would mean:
AA from Detroit 1960
Julie Albright 1974

I am so excited about this '60s doll!!
Any ideas what this character from Detroit may have to her story??


  1. As far as my research has led me, I have found one event that took place in 1967 called the Detroit Riot, which focused on Civil Rights. I really REALLY hope that we have a 1960's Civil Rights doll! I would buy her in a heartbeat. :)


    1. The Detroit Riot was extremely violent and ended up setting off waves of white flight out of Detroit - I doubt AG would take on something so controversial

    2. The story of Addy during slavery was quite controversial. I think if they do it, it will be done in a way that is more appropriate just like the battles that took place in Caroline's story. At the same time, I think it is good they are focusing on this time in history and speaking the truth about racism.

  2. Wow, if that comes to pass it is very exciting to think about! We posted up some thoughts on what Mary Ellen's story might contain on our blog at
    Looks like we might be digging into some 1960s history as well!
    The time is right for a 1960s African American doll, having just commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Selma march.
    Between "Mary Ellen" and a 1960s BF, we could be looking at some really big cars for dolls!! Start saving :)

  3. Motown, definitely. There was so much happening during that time period I am surprised it has taken this long, frankly, to have a doll from the 60s. Civil Rights, big changes in music, the war we were in, the space program as well. A decade of extremes; extreme highs and extreme lows. Potential for many stories for this doll.

  4. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    Do I sense a little Motown influence? Motown Records, "The Sound Of Young America", was originally based in Detroit. If this doll has a bedroom set, or some music accessories, maybe she'll get some Motown posters for her room or some cool records by Motown groups like The Temptations, Smokey Robinson, or The Supremes.

    1. She might even aspire to be a singer! :D It's funny...we have yet to have a Beforever doll nor a GOTY doll that has aspired to be a singer. I think it would be cool to finally have one, especially because Motown influence how African Americans were seen around the world.

  5. I agree with the Motown theme, maybe she is a singer? Has dreams of performing with Diana Ross and the Supremes? Throw in some Civil Rights issues in her books and you've got a great story. Maybe she meets someone famous? This could go a zillion directions. Long overdue.

  6. I am thinking an aspiring singer for Motown. But does this mean Julie may be archived?

    1. I agree with your Motown singer idea, but I don't think Julie would be archived because of the new doll.

  7. Oh my goodness my dad is from Michigan! And he was around the same age as the American Girl characters in the 1960s!!! This sounds so exciting!

  8. Wish they would keep Caroline, too. Madelon

  9. Beyond excited for the possibilities for this doll--the Civil Rights storyline is such a profoundly important part of our history and the heroes of the movement are role models for young people today. The Motown connection is fantastic--hope every kid learns about Hitsville, U.S.A! I have felt critical about American Girl's tendency in recent years to present a rather homogenized view of American girlhood, especially in the GOTY line, but I hope this rumor is true, going back to the roots of making history alive and diverse and relevant and inspiring to little girls.

  10. Gabriela for 2016? Hmm.. Could also be Hispanic if they chop Josefina? 2 archives is hardly unbelievable.

  11. Gabriela could also be the debut for Mexicos AG places?

  12. I admit, I'll be disappointed if this is true. I was really hoping for an AA Harlem Renaissance 1920s girl :(

    1. same here Marie love the 1920s it was such a glamorous era in American History and the clothing would be just marvelous id love to have a doll i could joke around and call a beautiful little fool see im referencing the great gatsby which is one of my favorite books . so wish they would do a 1920s doll

  13. I really like the idea of the new girl being from Detroit during the 1960s and the Motown movement. the music is awesome! Plus there is plenty of room to include the hardships of African Americans trying to make it in show business and other business.

    The name, Gabriela is slightly problematic for me. Mostly because I have a hard time removing the history from the BeForever line. If you look at census lists from the 1960s that name doesn't appear. It just seems too modern to me. Perhaps if she were to be called Yvonne or Yvette or Jacqueline or Tonya or Beverly or Vanessa or Sherri or Wanda or Geraldine...I'd be much happier. In fact, if sher were named Beverly I'd by her on the release day. :)

  14. This has been bugging me for a while. What does A A stand for?

  15. I'm an African American, but I'm disappointed that they are focusing on the 1960s. First of all, I was hoping that they would show a more positive time in history for black people which is found in the 1920s. The Harlem Renaissance is what catapulted jazz during the 1920s and many other parts of American culture at the time. Life was changing for African Americans, as they began to move towards the city life, more than ever before. Before the 1920s, life for African Americans were no different than it was after the Civil War. So I was hoping they would focus more on this part of history. But the Civil Rights movement is still good. At least we are getting an AA doll. I'm thankful for that.

  16. I think that her dad will work at the (I think it's the gm plant in Detroit) car plant and go on strike

  17. the name Gabriela is a complete mystery, GOTY 2016 is named Lea. The 1960's Beforever doll is named Melody, and when you google "American Girl Gabriela", nothing comes up, AG is doing a good job on keeping this one a secret... for now.
