
Saturday, February 21, 2015

*REVIEW* My Twinn 18" Doll

BahamianAGDollLovers has a great review for us today on the 18" My Twinn doll.

Hi.....Meet Dera, she is my first My Twinn Doll, she has the Ariel face mold, olive skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair.

My Twinn doll collection L-R: 23" Deshan, 23" Madison, 18" Dera, and 23" Ruby.

Compared to AG Dolls, they are not as good a quality, I would grade them a 7 out of 10 because they do not stand up as strong as the AG Dolls.  I had to spread Dera legs wide apart to balance her while standing. I notice that my Dera legs are a little loose, not much but enough to notice.


Their body is almost the same as AG, they do not have the strings at the back of the neck they have the plastic zip tie that you have to cut if you need to tighten  her limbs. 

Her face mold is beautiful, she does not have sleep eyes. 18" My Twinn dolls fit the AG clothes really good.  I was a little concerned about her hair, but after I sprayed it with water and brushed it, it is now a lot better.


  1. I just got a My Twinn doll, and I have to do the same thing to get her to stand. I have to manipulate her legs a bit. Your Dera and my Xenia could pass for twins, by the way. :-)

  2. i think that these dolls are just a little creepy no offence but they just are
