
Thursday, February 5, 2015

*NEWS* AG Discontinuing Inner Star Books

 AG confirmed they are discontinuing the MyAG Innerstar University fictional books.

Thanks to Kylie for the heads up.


  1. Do you think AG is going to discontinue the website as well? Maybe they'll at least revamp it if they're going away from the Innerstar U theme.

    1. Maybe if the MAG line gets revamped they'll keep the website and just redo it. Think of the thousands and even millions of girls and people on it.

  2. Aw.....I really liked those books. I hope they bring out new ones, even if they're a different format than the choose-your-path, because otherwise there won't be any books in the MyAG/JLY/AGoT line, and in my opinion books in general are waaaay better and educational than dolls (not that I have anything against dolls, I just think that in general books do a better job of teaching lessons).
    Hmmm......I agree with Maria Stewart.....perhaps, with new outfits no longer coming with charms and the books being discontinued, they're veering away from the Innerstar U theme? As of this summer, it will have been going for around five years. I wonder if they're revamping the line in summer (or fall if they end up not releasing/unarchiving a BF character)? Hmmm.....

  3. I hope they discontinue the whole Innerstar U theme, I think it's a little strange and I don't particularly like the "U" logo on the some of the outfits. It's possible they're moving away from it since they're discontinuing the charms.

    1. Agreed. There are better options out there.

  4. I believe they used to have some boxed sets. I have one of these books and it's sad that they're going away. Although I think some are still on the website, but i'm not sure.

  5. I think they are going to change the whole line like they did eith Beforever. We were supposed to get a new meet outfit last year.

  6. WHAT.?! Innerstar u only lasted for like 5 years. The choose your own ending thing is a great concept. I think since the beforever books took off, innerstar u is not as popular. I wish ag gives their products more of a chane. Marie-Grace and Cecile were gone within 3 years and Meatloaf the bulldog was out for only 2 years.
