
Monday, February 23, 2015

*LOOK* Through the NEW AG Catalog

I asked my girls what they wanted from the new spring catalog....

.....looks like they want everything!


  1. Darling pictures! Rebecca especially looks ultra cute. :)

    - Ellie

  2. Kaya's inspired special edition dress reminds me a lot of Josefina's inspired dress. At least in the color scheme. It makes me even more curious about Josefina and whether or not she will be archived.

  3. "Looks like they want everything!" Don't we all, Rhonda? Don't we all.

  4. I love your photos, especially the mini Grace ones. It's like the cutest photo bomb ever.

  5. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    Well, I did get Julie's skateboarding set, and even though I really like it, the skateboard is just too narrow, even for a banana board. It's OK for photos, or if you hold the doll to play w/ it. I will probably put up a review in the next couple of days on YouTube.

    And I can't wait to get this catalog. AG just sent me the Grace one. (and I think that's the one they still have up on their E-catalogue).

  6. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    Nope, the new e-catalogue is up, my mistake. The say Julie's sneakers are blue and purple. No, they're 2 different shades of blue.

  7. Oh how fun!!! My catalog came in the mail yesterday. My girls haven't seen it yet, as Mom doesn't have the moola to order them anything right now. There are many cool things, but I think Samantha is first in line for that new flower picking dress.

  8. I love how you did this post! We got our catalog the other day and made our selections - Kaya's new dress is a must have with her hairstyling set. I'm really leaning toward adding Grace to the family.

  9. No Caroline or Josefina in this catalog... American Girl doesn't seem to have any specific catalogs sent to people. I've purchased three things from Julie's collection over the last month and I only got a one page spread-no pictures of her maxi dress. Oh well.

    1. *From Julie's doll mom:*

      Yeah, I really wish that they'd send the same catalog to everyone. I don't see the point of making a shorter version and then just arbitrarily send them to whomever. Who makes up these rules, anyway?

  10. The larger version of the March or Spring catalog does have Josefina in it because we highlighted her goat for our wish list. Not sure about Caroline. The small version of the catalog does not show Josefina or Caroline.
