
Monday, January 12, 2015

*RUMORS* Next BEFOREVER Character 2015 or 2016?

It's all so confusing this guessing game and swirling RUMORS about the next Beforever character doll, the next doll, the next doll. Why can't we just be happy with the current released Beforever doll?

I saw on social media (back in July 2014) a person claiming that they have insider knowledge about the next Beforever doll. She reported that the character is "disabled and her grandparents live in Italy". However that DOES NOT line up with what AG said on Facebook.

So where did these 1950s rumors begin?? Was it because we saw
those leaked prototype images?  When Molly archived did that mean "1954 was opening up"? All this after an article in the Chicago Tribune that mentioned poodle skirts, 1950s bathing suits and long California vistas that suggest a ranch or a mountain pass. (Which everyone thinks explains Seaside Diner)

So what will the new Beforever character be like? Is her name going to be Mary Ellen? Will she be from California? What will be the basis of her story

I may be dreaming here, but a 1964 doll could make her story about civil rights. (Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965). I want this doll and would love for a Sonali face mold with an adorable "Supreme" hair style. I love this idea and hope it really is what will happen with this new AA Beforever character in 2016!  I am also a HUGE fan of Motown Music! I grew up listening to it and would love for it to be tied in with the 1960 doll's story! 

I also think with Molly's Archival, that left the mid century era open. My question with all of the social media RUMORS is, if we do get a 1950's doll in 2015, why are we getting an AA BeForever doll in 2016? Will AG be releasing BF dolls yearly now?

If the 50s prototype does release this fall, it is my opinion that (speculation) a Harlem Renaissance character is also a possibility. (I would LOVE it because the 20s are aesthetically one of my favorite eras!) With the 2014 return of our beloved Samantha 1904, the gorgeous Rebecca 1914 and Kit 1934 - the first part of the 20th century currently seems a bit "crowded". (I'm concerned for Kit). Which is why I'm hopeful for a 1960 AA Beforever character. 

Regardless, it's exciting to know we will be getting a beautiful new AA next year. A gentle reminder that LADL will not be posting leaked images if/when they surface.

AG Legal Trademark Information.

What are you thoughts?
1950? 1960?
Let's get the discussion going, I'm interested to hear your ideas, hopes and opinions. 


  1. I read on another doll blog (I can't remember which one. I'll try to find the link to give her credit) that an AG employee said "Molly might be coming back" which had me on an interesting speculation. 2016 is the 30th anniversary of American Girl. Samantha has come back, and with this rumor of Molly coming back, I wonder if American Girl is going to bring back Molly and Kirsten as "limited edition" dolls so all three original characters are available for the 30th anniversary. Especially since they did the holiday minis for their 25th anniversary. I know this is just a speculation from rumors I've heard but its possible. Also, I've read that a lot of AA people were forbidden from sitting at the front counters in restaurants during the Civil Rights Movement. This could tie in the "Seaside Diner" part of her story if she's from 1960. I can't wait to find out what happens!

    1. Oh please let them bring Kirsten back!!!!!!

      That's a good observation about the Seaside Diner. Hmmmm.....

    2. They literally say that archived dolls "might come back" for every doll anytime someone asks. It's probably a canned response.

    3. But wouldn't they bring Kirsten or Felicity back first since they retired before Molly?
      Then again Felicity wasn't part of the original 3.

  2. Oooh, I hope it's the sixties and an Civil Rights AA doll! That would be epicly cool since, other than Addy and Kit, AGs historicals don't seem to focus on very important eras anymore or eras that were turning points (think of our Revolutionary War darling's retirement and replacement by an 1812 doll). However, Kaya being the only 1700s doll now, I also kinda hope we get another doll from the 1700s (or Felicity back!) in order to balance everything out - because you're right, Kit and Rebecca and Samantha are all making it a little crowded in the early 1900s......

    1. I agree with it being crowded! I think making a War of 1812 character was a much better idea than Rebecca, simply because she seemed like a repeat of Samantha/Kirsten. And with Samantha back it seems kind of weird to have two dolls from practically the same era. In fact, Samantha and Rebecca's beds look almost the same! That's of course my opinion. :)

  3. I love the idea of a doll from California since I am from California... I am also SOOOO excited about an African American doll!! I will totally buy her-- though its a little hard to think about buying another doll when I just bought Grace only a week ago. I think Civil Rights would be an awesome theme for a doll, and both the 50's and 60's are exciting time periods for AG to focus on. I'm just hoping that her stuff isn't all pink! :)


  4. I think we will see more retirements every year. If they are releasing Sam and then another two characters in 2015 & 2016 then I think Rebecca is on her way out and maybe Addy. Not sure! Lots of changes but it keeps things interesting which I'm sure is their plan.

  5. That's a great idea for another Historical! I agree, I'm a bit worried for Kit.
    Rumors of the new GOTY have come out so early!!
    I also wonder where the speculation of a 1950s girl started. Could they actally have some truth along with them? So many questions!!
    - Zoë from

    1. Kit seems to be one of their better selling characters, so I would think they would cut Rebecca or Addy first. Better finish my Kit collection just in case though!

    2. Well that's good at least. Though I do love Addy and Rebbecca. I really hope none of those girls retire anytime soon!
      - Zoë

  6. Addy might be retiring-- It is NOT CONFIRMED, however. My personal shopper told me that Addy was out of stock at AGP LA, and on the AG website, with no confirmation of another shipment coming in (!!!!!!!!).


    1. She was out of stock at AG Denver on January 1st too. I did not ask anyone about her availability, though.

    2. She's in stock on the AG website, so hopefully it was just an issue of her selling better than expected over the holiday season.

    3. The new york AGP is out of stock with Addy as well! See themommyandgracie show's recent AGP video.

    4. I don't think they would retire Addy and Josefina because then African-American and Hispanic girls won't be able to buy a BeForever that is similar to them.

  7. I think the real mystery starts with the fact that this past summer, the name Mary Ellen was trademarked. That is a classic 50's or 60's name. But who knows, maybe they did that for a future GOTY, although not likely since they go with trendier names for them. The weird part is they usually don't trademark a name until it starts getting closer to the release date. So if it's for a 2016, there must be some serious planning going on. I'm just excited because we know that we are getting SOMETHING new for the historical line!

  8. Having seen those leaked prototype 50's images, I'm all for a 50's doll!

  9. Im really excited about the new Beforever AA doll, but I am hoping for a new AG face mold for her possibly Josefina's or an original. I would like to see a Civil Rights theme, but I hope she has long hair that can be styled in classic 1960 styles, but still long enough to curl and pin up...that would be nice since Addy's hair is very thick and textured and Cecile's hair had ringlets that were very tight- not good for complicated styles. My Dad was apart of the 1960s sit ins as a student, but seeing AG bring similar stories to life for another generation would be great. But I would also like to see a 1980 theme about the Challanger explosion and how America girls followed many women into space and the recruitment of many female astronauts. Both periods desrve attention. 1950s could also follwo the theme of Brown v. The Board of Education. Many schools in the south closed because they did not to integrate. Many private schools in my state got their start from that, which does not make me proud, but its apart of 1950 history as well as " Betty Home-maker." Hmmm what will AG do?

  10. I understand that from a business standpoint, they need to release new items periodically. Personally I thought that retiring Molly, Cecile, Marie-Grace, and all the friend dolls was too much in a short period of time. My other concern is if they are releasing 1-2 many dolls each year, will the quality and thought process that goes into each one still be the same, and also will they be as special?
    Lesley from NE

  11. I'm worried for Kit! I love her story and her collection! Oh please AG... Don't retire Kit!

    1. I don't think they'll retire Kit. She sells VERY well with little kids and she got quite a few new beforever things and they brought her typewriter back. I think it's safe to say they'll keep kit around for a few more years.

  12. I am thinking that the doll will come from the 1950's era. My mother grew up in the 50's and she wore most of the outfits the doll was wearing as a young girl herself. Now although I am not completely sure of the time period, I strongly believe this new doll is from the 1950's.

  13. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    I was for the Civil Rights movement doll all along. A Sonali face mold would be great! I think AG really was gonna have a 50s doll, but squashed the idea b/c of OG's retro clothes, accessories, diner and car. A meet outfit for a 60s doll w/ a dashiki, embroidered bell bottoms and leather sandals would be cool. Not entirely sure about the hair..maybe an afro or small braids. But the problem is that AG had some "hippie" items for Julie, crossing the 70s w/ the 60s...flowered headband, peasant look, they should have gone more the polyester or disco route. Maybe this is just too close to Julie's era. Still, one never knows.

    1. Agree 100%. I wish they would have gone more roller boogie style, disco and beach themes with Julie. (Coppertone?) Polyester, wedges, gauze, gladiator sandals and patches on denim. CHARLIE'S ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. *From Julie's doll mom:*

      ROTFL! You and Charlie's Angels! I guess since I'm a few years older than you the early to mid 70s was my favorite time. But I loved the whole disco scene, too. you have the Charlie's Angels bubble gum cards and dolls? (I do!)

    3. Yes, I collected all of the trading cards, but don't know what happen to them when we moved. I have a picture of me 1978 in a golden yellow sweatshirt with the original Angels on it LOL!

    4. Great ideas, you should both see if you could get crafty and make some of that stuff yourself.

  14. The Montgomery Bus Boycott started in 1955 with Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat, and the laws were changed in 1956, so that would be a good time period to focus on the civil rights movement without being too close to Julie's era in the 70s. I am excited for another African American historical, though I was hoping for an AA girl of the year, and that seems unlikely now. They really need more cultural diversity in the GOTY line. I would like to see an Asian GOTY, maybe someone who was adopted from China. And while I'm wishing, an 80s doll would be totally rad!

    1. Jess was an Asian GOTY doll, but she only lasted for a year. I would like an Asian doll in the historical collection, but the company said that there isn't enough American history on Asians, and so they were not going to make one. They made Ivy in order to make up for it, but I knew she wouldn't last because she is not her own character, she is simply a character from Julie's story.

    2. I totally with you as I love Japan and I was born in 1985 so want to see an 80's doll. I remember parts of 80's and so many things could be done with 80's.

  15. Thank you for sharing this, Rhonda! It's my opinion that Rebecca will be the next one to retire, because of the return of Samantha. I do really hope that she has something to do with the Civil Rights Movement. I think the Sonali or Addy mold would be great for her, too :)


    1. I hope they don't retire Rebecca, I'm getting her soon and I think she sells ok.

  16. My IRL friends and I have been talking, and while we would all love a Civil Rights Era doll, we all feel that AG should not make one. With the level of research they have been doing recently, I think they would butcher it. Also, since they took out the bit about two African American dolls being released, I have a feeling that they might have been thinking about a Harlem Renaissance and a Civil Rights era doll. I think the Civil Rights doll might be postponed or trashed, because of Ferguson and NY and all the racial issues our country has been having recently. I don't think they would want to start anything, and this seems quite risky from the level of thought and how much they actually care about each doll. I think it has become more about making dolls that will sell, and not dolls that are thoughtfully made, and have good values.

    I have been worried about Kit since last November. (I'll actually be posting about the dolls U think might be on their way out later today or tomorrow) I called customer service a few days ago, and they lady acted like Kit or Addy might be retired. TBH, I think it will be Addy. I much rather would prefer it to be Kit, but if they do release another doll of color this year it seems like they might retire Addy. I don't want them too; on the contrary, I feel they need to have at least 4 non-Caucasian dolls in BeForever at any given moment. IT does seem like they've been trying to phase out some of Rebecca's collection, and going the wrong way about it. With retiring all her Hanukah stuff, I think they are trying to make relate to a wider audience.


  17. Ha! What Kathleen said...totally. Mattel's R&D team seems useless for anything but what will sell. They are not interested in accuracy, value or quality. I am frightened at the thought of what they could do to a Civil Rights legacy.

    However, my take on Kit is...why does the depression era doll have the most clothes available? Because people are buying it! Kit is a cash cow.

    I think it would be very politically dangerous to retire Addy when or just after another dark doll is released.

    Rebecca is the Jewish Princess..and I do not say that to offend anyone but...her collection should be very well supported financially. My guess is they are redesigning her things to be manufactured more cheaply. Samantha are Caroline are also Princesses in my book as was Felicity. Julie? Queen of the 70's! Did you have all that cool 70's stuff or just live through it wishing you had it? So much of AG has become blanket stereotypes.

    I agree that the anniversary may bring us limited re-issue classic dolls but I would not hold my breath. Maybe limited edition minis? 30 is not a "big" anniversary.

    I don't know that we'll see a new historical in 2015 if we're being told we'll get a AA one in 2016.

    1. I think it will be nice for AG to release another African American doll and that she will sell well, especially since the new Annie movie came out and she is African American, so lots of girls will want to buy her because she might look like Annie :)

    2. I think that for their 30th they should do a limited number GOTY. Like 5,000 pieces world wide. So that she is totes awesome and I have nothing else to say ok. Sorry.

    3. Heck yes! If they retire Addy, my that will just be devastation. It would be like cyber nuclear war. (metaphorically speaking)

  18. For a while, I was thinking Josefina was next. I really hope they don't retire Rebecca! I'd love one from the 60s or 50s.

  19. I am not a collector of historical/Be Forever AG dolls. I do, however, want to add one more doll to our collection who is a doll of color other than Caucasian/light skin. I have been looking at the My AG dolls closely but am waiting until later this year, to see what AG may be doing with both the Be Forever line and the meet outfit for My AG dolls. If AG releases an AA doll with hair that doesn't scare me off (that I can manage, that is), I would love to add her to our doll collection. Having said that, I know that realistically, many girls with AA would have to alter their hair to achieve straight hair, so where's the accuracy in bringing an AA doll with straight hair? All I can say is that we will know what AG does when AG announces it to the public!

    1. I've heard that Addy's hair is actually particularly easy to care for. There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to care for it.

  20. I agree that AG sould make another AA doll with long hair, possibly wavy such as MYAG#49 or MYAG#24. I hate to break it to people, but AA people come in all kinds of skin tones, hair types and eye color. How many AG dolls does AG make where the dolls have blue eyes and blonde hair, brown eyes and brown hair...etc. There are lots of AAs that do not alter their hair and their hair is straights, wavy, textured, non textured, red, brown, black, curly or just long and bouncy. There are many varieties AG can choose, bc their is not just one type of AA girl in the world, just lime their is not one type of Caucasian doll for a few types of girls out their. Yes, AG is political, so this is a non issue. They are going to make what sells period! However, the discussion needs to address why AG reduced the variety of MYAGs and what the next AG might look like based on sales, and not how many AAs look like the dolls bc AG is not selling a variety of dolls that fit minority demographics of all shades and colors meaning that there are still AAs with long wavy jet black hair and AAs with light skin and long wavy or textured reddish brown hair that has not been altered
    -think Kaylee from Our Generation, but AG will not have a doll for that kind if girl, nor have I seen an AA AG doll with that kind of hair period. AG is sales based, if it does not do well money wise, its a no go!

    1. Thank You voice of reason! Lol. I totally agree with sales and their choices too.

      Perhaps they'll come out with a MyAg Elsa? Perhaps Anna with new Streak Packs with a white... Haha

    2. Your right it's like they should do dolls based on movies like Dorthy from wizard of oz or Disney movies.

  21. We really don't know who will be going next. Samantha was supposed to be a limited edition- only through the holidays. Rebecca- they don't keep dolls with the same timeline. Kit- they have a spotlight on her. It's like their way of saying "Get her before she's gone.". Addy- they might get rid of her if they have a new AA doll. Josefina- she was missing from a catalog cover, while it may be a misprint they said she might get a collection revamp,they said that Marie-Grace and Cecile would get new dresses last spring well they retired last spring. I think we should't worry about who's retiring and get who you want!

    1. What is this spotlight thing anyway? Is it just a marketing strategy, cause there isn't any sale or anything like that.

  22. I think we need to separate reality from stuff we're not sure of.

    1. Who said it was 1950's doll? It could be a 20's doll or something. I know that the clothing the prototype was 50's. Also, this was a prototype. Prototypes don't always get made. AG could have scraped her by now.

    2. I don't think there's too much of a pattern to doll retirements. Though I did see this one YouTube video where this girl predicted when all the AG dolls would retire, and she was like scary accurate. But that depends on when you consider a doll officially "retired".

    3. If they retire Addy I don't want to imagine what would happen. People would just be calling out racist left right and center.

    Overall, all we can do is wait. I think what you should do, Rhonda if you want a specific doll is get a MAG doll and make her a historical. You could either sew clothes or find clothes on Etsy. Get creative! The only limit is really your imagination.

  23. Well let's think about it this way: there were 9 historical for a year before Molly retired. If another historical releases, I'm hoping the next doll won't retire right away.

  24. I hope that this year a new 1950's historical doll will come out because we haven't had one since 2012.

  25. Oh, a red head would be so nice! I wish A.G. would bring back ALL the retired GOTY's one year! That would be totally awesome! I REALY liked Mia, but I didn't really know about A.G. dolls then. I think there might be a M.A.G like Mia, is I might eventually get her and name her Mia! I don't have a red head yet. A historical doll with a Sonali face mold would be really nice! Why doesn't A.G. Release another GOTY with red hair soon? There had only been one! There's been a lot of blond an brunette ones.

  26. And, a 50's historical doll would be awesome! I know there's a retro line for O.G but I think A.G could make a great one!

  27. I just had a thought. What if they're planning to release all the "originals" then retire them at the end their 30th year and begin a whole new era with Mattels BeForever?

  28. Rebecca, but O.G. has such an amazing retro line, and cheaper prices, that AG probably couldn't do too well with a Retro doll. also rebecca, re-releasing ALL the GOTYS for a year would be costly, and take up alot of space too, i don't see AG doing that in a LONG long time.

  29. on the cover of graces second book they have a red head and an AA I think the next dolls will be the 2 friends of grace a few of goty had other dolls made that were friends

    1. The next AA doll is historical.

      AG will no longer make BFF dolls.

  30. I would love to see a 1990s girl, there's just so much potential for storylines in that era. It was when technology really began to evolve, Clinton was in office, the Oklahoma city bombings ( they could make her from Oklahoma City), Rodney King riots, the OJ Simpson Trial (maybe incorporate the Ford Bronco Car Chase and/or the verdict) any of that would make for a great story

  31. LADL~It's all so confusing this guessing game and swirling RUMORS about the next Beforever character doll, the next doll, the next doll. Why can't we just be happy with the current released Beforever doll? A. Because we need more African American dolls! All we have is Addy and the truly me. We need more black dolls, AG should also add a black GOTY.

  32. What we are missing is the 1940's the 1960's and the 1980's yes the 80's count kids have no clue on 8track tapes and how we still had record players around and most kids are confused by vhs and they only kind of get cassetes. We can wait a bit for the 90's. The 60's and 40's should be done first as we have the 30's,50's and 70's dolls. And they need a personal style doll wheelchair not the hospitals style doll wheelchair yes there is diffrence in hospital style wheelchair vs a personal style wheelchair.

  33. I own American girls. I'm getting addy soon. I'm getting her because I think she will be retired. I'm really angry and I don't really want anyou BF's to go. Either way this summer when I go to AGP Nashville I will buy who ever is retiring. For AG'S 30th I think they should bring back every doll ever retired as a online purchase only. First come first serve baises. In this case I would buy Felicity, Cecile, and Ivy.

  34. It seems like they read this and then made Melody..

  35. It's going to be end of mine day, but before ending I am reading this great piece of writing to improve my
