
Sunday, January 4, 2015

*REVIEW* Grace's City Outfit and Bonbon

Maria bought Grace's City Outfit and Bon Bon at the debut.

"Here is Bonbon’s box.  Note that his name is not on it.  It just “Grace’s French Bulldog”."

"Here she is!  So adorable!  Completely stuffed and soft, not hard bodied like past AG pets."

"The bow on her collar has Velcro in the center to allow you to unroll it into a leash. Professional dog walker Julie insisted on walking him!"

"Professional actress Rebecca is playing the role of Grace and modeling the outfit along will Bonbon to show how well the doll and outfit go together.  The outfit fits perfectly!  Goes on easily!  Shoes are a little roomy so they could also be worn with tights if you wanted to do that.  I can see great mix and match potential of these pieces with other modern wardrobe items.  I highly recommend this outfit set! (and Bonbon!  LOL!)"

She also got mini Grace! (Amazon)


  1. BonBon looks so cute! I'm glad she's stuffed and not hard-bodied like most AG pets. And her collar-into-a-leash thing is really great!

  2. Too cute! It looks great on Rebecca. Its is nice to see it on another doll with lighter hair. Definitely makes me want to get it even more for my dolls not just for Grace. I think I will also try putting it on MyAG 58.

  3. Ohhhh, Rebecca. For me it always comes back to Rebecca. In no matter what era of clothes, she is stunning!

    1. I agree with you Laurie! Rebecca looks wonderful in everything! :-)

  4. Thanks so much for posting my photos Rhonda! I'm loving my new Grace items! I'll definitely be buying more from her collection! ~ Maria B .

  5. Both BonBon and the City Outfit are on my wish list (if Grace makes her way to my house).
