
Monday, January 19, 2015

Derek and Paige - Budding Romance

I don't know what happened. We got snow in Texas and suddenly a trip to the park turned into this.....

"Paige? I brought you the park today because I wanted to tell you something."

"When I first met you I thought you were so pretty, different from any other girl I had met before. Then about Christmas time I realized I liked you."

"Really? I like you too Derek."

"I wanted to carve out initials into a tree here at the park."

"If that's okay..."


Snowbirds. Lovebirds. Paige and Derek....


  1. Oh Wow. That's weird.

    1. Oh, and could you please update us on the lovebirds story a little later Rhonda?

  2. Awe,:) very adorable;)

  3. They are so perfect together. Like YES. Paige is so beautiful, and Derek so sweet. I hope we get to see more of them in the future! :)

  4. Inapproipriate 4 my DD to se

    1. Why is this inappropriate? There are photos of my two dolls in the snow carving their initials into a tree. Why is a girl having a crush on a boy and a boy having a crush on a girl inappropriate? The title says "budding romance" which indicated what the post was about. I can assure you there are far more offensive images and content on the internet, TV and radio for your DD to see than my clothed dolls on a photo shoot in the snow.

    2. I must be reading a different post, I see nothing inappropriate about this at all, it's grade school level kind of stuff. Seriously, what is inappropriate about this? It's a cute, innocent, story.

    3. I love this :)

    4. Your kidding, right, I'm 10, and I sure don't see anything inappropriate :( ,it's an adorable cute little story, and not inappropriate. I agree with Rhonda. This is definitely not inappropriate content. (Don't worry Rhonda, I got your back;) )
      ps. Sorry for the long comment:)
