
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

*In Store Report* New AG Releases Report AGP DC

 Out with the old, in with new! 
New Years is around the corner and the DC store is busy!!

While we wait for AGP to transition from 2014 GOTY Isabelle to GOTY 2015 Grace's debut, there are new releases NOW! If you are planning a trip to AGP to see (buy) Grace, you may want to take note of other items in store. I LOVE Valentine's day with all of the pink and red and purple; hearts, candy, and flowers. (What girl doesn't?)

Lovely Leopard PJs $24

Snooze fold out bed $48

 I love the new store exclusive!!

NEW Pizza Party Set $34 

Valentine gift set $12
Thank you Madelon for bringing us the new release report.


  1. the bathing suit is 14 dollars

  2. The new stuff are cool. My fav is the pizza set! My daugther loves playing with the foods. She has the delicious breakfast and dinner sets and just got the campus cart on xmas! We will certainly get the pizza!!

    I hope AG releases the digital catalogue on jan 1ST!! Cant wait to see all the new stuff.

  3. That purse looks cute! I love how you put buy in parentheses after see, because that is so true!!!

  4. are you able to post the good morning America video on your page tomorrow

  5. Did anyone else notice that the "I WOOF you" candy is in the CAT's mouth? LOL
