
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

*NEWS* BEFOREVER Samantha's Collection




  1. I really like the description on the back (with the exception of the punctuation and capitalization on the list, but that is minor). It does make it seem as if we will get the history as well as thepresent day. (Still not a huge fan of the new meet dress).

  2. An ice-cream set? Sweet!... no pun intended!

  3. UGH!!!! I HATE THE PINK BOXES!!!!!!!!!!!! They look SO much like barbie! Samantha also kind of looks like Molly. If the dolls look like this, then I'll be getting the other historical dolls I want (Rebecca,Josefina,Addy and Caroline) off of e-bay.

  4. Neat! I just wish her grandmother was described as 'wealthy" not rich.

  5. I am excited to see all the new items. I just love the Historical line.

  6. Thanks for posting, but you might want to give TTPM the credit since that is where the video came from.

    1. TTPM has been linked on this post and here:

  7. Samantha's kinda OK imo, but yes I'm just as disappointed with the direction AG went with the historicals, especially with what they did to poor Kit.

  8. Excited? Like a little kid at Christmas! Thanks for the shares!

  9. p.s. They are going to HAVE to bring Nellie back eventually. They just have to! (And not just because I want one of my very own).

  10. Can't wait for samantha, and I really hope they bring back Nellie. I'm still not sure how I feel about beforever though.

  11. I'm not happy about it...their older books were what I wanted to share with my Daughters. They're not quite old enough so I'm now scrambling to get the last remnants that are left of the old line. Completely considering Ebay for their futures

    1. Me too. I may get kit one day and I don't want one with her "angled" bob which to me looks uneven.

  12. I am excited. In the past outfits were always taken from the illustrations from the books. AG could of made other outfits featured in illustrations. I do wonder why they are going in a completely different direction. Do you think this new direction is part of the reason for possibly taking the illustrations out of the books.

  13. I'm quite delighted, especially over the ice cream parlor. On the other hand, looking at the comments on here is just starting to make me sad. Samantha is getting an ICE CREAM PARLOR for crying out loud, and yet some of you are still throwing fits over the books being changed and the boxes being pink, which has been known about for MONTHS now! (and the boxes being pink is a VERY minor issue if you ask me...) I think I am just going to completely avoid looking at comments on here until BeForever fever has calmed down, and only very occasionally pop in here for any new pieces of news. I have my concerns too, but I'd like to stay excited about it and not be brought down by the very vocal minority that doesn't want to accept any changes at all (even the good parts like Kit getting her typewriter back...?). American Girl has not just been about history, but about changes through history, and again, I for one am willing to face change with an open mind. Change is not always bad!

    1. I agree that change isn't bad. I too am EXCITED for the ice cream parlor! Are you kidding me? Woo Hoo!!! AND the new bedroom set - I bet its gorgeous (ooo I hope it has lace details too.) The boxes don't bother me one bit.

    2. I'm looking forward to the new bedroom set too! If it looks anything like the one picture that was shown (kind of like Cécile's bed but with a more ornate headboard, and without any blue), and with lace details, it MUST come home with me somehow. I love Samantha's old bed but the proposed wooden bed seems much more like what she would've had at Grandmary's. Plus it could be used for modern dolls as antique furniture.

    3. Yeah, but think about the cost! Julie's car wash set is currently the most expensive item offered right now (not sure about all time, but that's possible) and it's $350. Am entire ice cream parlor? I'm not ready for the prices. I bet the bed will be like $300 or something.

    4. I thought of that, but if its plastic it could be cheaper. I believe Caroline's parlor is made of wood.

    5. I agree with you the pink boxes aren't that important once you have doll you pretty much never see the box again. But I amsuper duper excited about beforever. The illustrations issue is BIG to me though

    6. What? No. HECK no to plastic beds. I understand a huge thing like Caroline's parlor costing $300, but her bed, made of real wood and very high quality, is only $125. Same with the NOLA bed before the price was dramatically slashed. (If the new MyAG bed didn't have a shelf built in and all those little accessories it would probably cost the same.). I expect Samantha's new bed will cost the same or just slightly more due to the ornate nature of the headboard--IF it's like that one picture we saw. The ice cream parlor though...who knows. I'm more forgiving about plastic in the small accessories, but I hope wood, metal and cloth remain the rule for furniture pieces.

    7. No I was simply making an observation that costs could be less if the ice cream parlor was plastic and not wood. Her bed is more than likely wooden, we do not have any leaked images as of yet.

    8. Ah, I see, that makes a little more sense. I'd still hope the parlor isn't plastic but I can handle a plastic ice cream parlor better than I can handle a plastic bed, especially for Samantha. I mean that would just be...sad really.

  14. I understand It's not. PC anymore, it's AG (owned by Mattel) and everyone knows what they do and kids like them ..etc...etc. BUT.. I was hoping to introduce my Daughters to the last remnant of PC in the AG line. Here I was looking for the "teachers guides" and all to complement the dolls/accessories that I've been amassing. I was hoping they'd continue that tradition of the founders vision of immersing girls into history the way it had been done that way it could be pretty seemless when we did go into the cafe etc. the clothing will just be off with all the books/advertisements. Change is good, but "changing" history? I really do want to be optimistic about the collection and hope they don't distort it too much, but the changes seem soo dramatic. Rewrite endings in history for one of these supposed books? Someone made a comment on one page here about Kits collection looking 70's/80's inspired, if that's the reaction most of the time from people. a saying comes to mind. If it walks like a duck and talks like one.... I know etsy & others can be used as resources, but it was pretty sweet for a parent to go to one spot for resources as limited as it was. I liked the lessons the clothing gave up front. With Caroline's new BDay outfit, I don't see it..I guess I can say "this trim & that trim weren't accurate, here's a picture of what was really done to dresses". As for cool new things yeah it sounds great who doesn't want to get an ice cream parlor! I was real happy with a lot of the news of Samantha coming back, but golly... Who doesn't like Downton Abby attire?!

    1. But the teachers' guides have been gone for a long time if I'm correct. I'm not saying that it's wrong to feel dismayed about some of the changes. I guess I'm just surprised at how some people (not you, but some people in general) can be soooo resistant to change that you can present them with something very exciting like Kit getting her typewriter back, or Samantha getting an ice cream parlor or a new red bike, and instead of looking at the positives they'll choose to focus on "but the books don't have pictures! And the meet outfits are changed!" or whatever, something that's not even new news anymore. Don't get me wrong, when I first heard about BeForever, I was a little cautious myself around it and didn't know what to think. There's even been a couple elements that haven't impressed me. But I thought to myself, "Hey, this isn't the first time there's been huge changes in the historical lineup. What about when a doll is introduced, or how shocking it was when Samantha was put into the archives at the end of 2008? What about when Felicity was sort-of retired and could only be found online, and then was reintroduced in 2005 with a new Meet outfit, new clothes and accessories and her friend Elizabeth as a new doll? What about Samantha being brought back?" And that's when I realize that while I might not be happy with some of the changes, it's a good change in other ways. Funnily enough, the Changes book in the different characters' series is one thing that's always been the same with all of the characters, and it usually deals with both good changes and bad, and stresses how sometimes, if you don't like how things are going, you could make some changes yourself. As far as changing history, I'm not sure what you're quite getting at. The company's mission is still the same, to educate girls about history in a fun, child-friendly way--but then again, even in the beginning their mission was also to make a profit. Nothing wrong with that, as that's the mission for ANY company that is selling something obviously. History also can't be changed by retiring items.

      So, I guess all of this is to say that just because I've been a longtime fan of AG (since the mid-90s), doesn't mean I'm more resistant to change than others. I'm not happy about a couple of things, but in the end, I'm more excited about BeForever than fretful over it, and with any change to any of the lines, I find both good and bad in it. My wish for all the BeForever-phobes out there (I say that in the friendliest way possible) is that there's at least ONE good thing you can find coming from such a big change, and if not, I wish you luck on your eBay hunts. You're gonna need it. :P

    2. Might I far as the core book series go, the six books as they were during the Pleasant Company days have been long gone. When Samantha got her movie and all new covers on her books, all the other characters' book covers changed too, having a scene right from inside their book on the cover instead. The illustrations in Samantha's, Molly's, Addy's and even Felicity's books were all changed at some point and with how expensive that can get, I'm not surprised to see the illustrations go. Not to mention AG probably thinks it might help the line appeal to older kids like it's supposed to again because, as some older kids think, "picture books are for babies"...I've never agreed with that, but you know how a kid that's desperate to appear mature can be sometimes.

    3. You have just explained all of my feelings perfectly!

  15. I am THRILLED over the ice cream parlor, if GOTY 2015's ice cream set isn't too amazing, maybe, if I got GOTY 2015, I could get her Samantha's ice cream parlor for her ;)

  16. I wonder, after watching Designing Forever for the millionth time, if Samantha will have a mantle set like the one they showed with her tea set and Christmas outfit?

  17. Yes, got it all money etc. So when the company first came out the clothing was in line with that Generation too right? No, but parents still bought their meet outfits for their Daughters, right? Well, I'm just sadden by how flawless it could be. It was a nice thing to have the clothing coincide with what museums/reenactments had for their displays, call me weird for liking it seemless. They just could have gone in a different direction, then what it looks like they chose. Like time travel, lol, it's not like that hasn't been done in kids movies... Anyway, I will be cautiously optimistic /waiting with anxious hope....hahaa, like the rest. Here's to period appropriate accessories!

  18. I can't wait for the ice cream set!

  19. I am getting as excited about this as I was for Molly, my first AG doll. I'd put off getting an AG doll for years, and then -- at 48 -- I found out she was going into the archives. It was a big decision to spend that much money on a doll, and when she arrived … I cried. Happy tears. So special. I know I'm going to feel the same about Samantha!
