
Monday, July 21, 2014

*Opening* + Review Retired Dresses for Addy

As you know when I got my Pleasant Company Addy she arrived in her retired birthday dress. I needed to get her Meet dress and accessories. I ordered her accessories direct from AG in a large order, (using the free shipping code).

I found a great deal on eBay for her 1993 prototype meet dress. From what I understand the prototype dress was shown on Addy in a "sneak peek" catalog that came out just before Addy was officially released 1993. 

I really love the mauve color.

I have wanted her Patriotic Party dress for some time. The one I bought didn't come with the sash.
My next purchase for Addy will be her Sunday Best and I hope to find her quilt at a good price. 

My dream would be to get her trunk.


  1. I love her trunk. Someday.....

  2. My daughters and I love your videos! We loved both fourth of July parades! They were both two cute!
    What is the code for free shipping? Thank you

    1. Thank you - everyone did their part on the 4th :-)
      The $10 off $100 CODE #180323. It is also on the right side bar for reference. Happy shopping!!

  3. What is the name of the dress Addy is wearing in the picture of her next to her trunk? :)

    1. That is her retired Cape Island Dress- -ist BEAUTIFUL!!!
