
Saturday, July 19, 2014

*REPORT* MCM Sale Photos

A look at the start of the MCM Sale weekend!! 
Vendors and long lines already!
My friend Shelly, who is attending the sale sent in photos.

Bitty Baby Raffle
AG Raffle


BIN dolls - Chrissa, Felicity, Marisol, Molly and Emily.
Marisol sold $175 after this photo was taken!

This is how many people are let in at one time.
(Lined up for their time slot).

Samantha's Silent Auction

Shopping carts provided to haul your items to your vehicle.

Two hours to go!


  1. Wow! These photos are fantastic! I had no idea how the sale actually ran. It's great that there are lots of other vendors there. I live too far away to ever go, so I really appreciate the photos.

  2. *From Julie's doll mom:*

    I know AG is based in WI, but it's really ashame there aren't any other charitible AG events in other states. They have fashion shows and things like that, but no one else has the dolls and accessories this cheap. If sales were down for the NOLA girls, selling them at this kind of event would have brought them up. To say nothing of all that stuff on the AG sale page that isn't moving that well.

    1. I agree! I live in California and am nowhere near these sales-- if they were here I would go in a heartbeat!

    2. *From Julie's doll mom:*

      I live in CA too, Mia!

    3. I live in CA too, Julie and Mia!

  3. So cool! I really wanted to go this year but where would i put all my stuff! Lol!

  4. From Xyra, Melody's human,
    Very nice! thank you for sharing the pictures! I agree with those who wished there was something similar nearby. The furniture vendors looked awesome especially the tree houses!

    As a Thirty-One Independent Consultant, I loved seeing everyone suing their Large Utility Totes to gather their goodies. Unboxed, an LUT will hold 6 dolls, plus some accessories (it's what I use for transporting the girls to photo shoots). Boxed maybe 4 - I haven't tried. But I know they hold a lot of boxed outfits and accessories.

    Thank you so much for sharing! I am thrilled they keep everything so organized and ordered including limitations on purchases.
